Look at it this way...the school district where I used to live just upgraded their entire comms. system to DMR. Aside from the repeater (which is actually a Hytera), they have over 600 radios. At even $1000 per radio, plus accessories, plus the service agreements, plus whatever the heck else Motorola charges, you would be looking at darn near a $1,000,000 contract just for them, and that is WAY on the conservative end. They went with CCRs.
Another large company I'm familiar with just sold their old Motorola radios and went with new CCRs. They had almost 1200 radios. At the least, that's a $1.5 million contract.
That's 2 entities. This is happening all over the country, in WAY bigger numbers than people care to believe. I see these radios all over the place. You're probably talking hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenue for Motorola. You still don't think they're putting pressure on the FCC to crack down on these radios?
Secondly, something that not been brought up yet, is the obvious way around the restrictions...start limiting these radios to the ham bands, and have a modification for opening them up completely. Very simple firmware update to fix that. So for all the hams who are complaining about the CCRs, way to go! Now you're going to have businesses and kids and everything else smack dab in the middle of the ham bands, since most people probably won't modify them to go outside of that. I suppose it's better there than on the business/public safety frequencies, but it opens up a whole new can. And you know how the FCC is about enforcement.