I Guess No One Wanted to Read Kevin,s Post (#152)--I See This Thread Closing Soon Due to the Arrogance Being Thrown Around Again
Obviously I read Kevin's Post #152. I quoted part of in my my reply #155. :wink:
I Guess No One Wanted to Read Kevin,s Post (#152)--I See This Thread Closing Soon Due to the Arrogance Being Thrown Around Again
Looks like the FCC web site isn't working properly.I am taking a class to obtain my Technician license.
I want to make a copy to take to class for discussion.
When I click on the link, it no longer works.
It worked earlier in the week.
Any suggestions?
All the pdf files are opening just fine here.Yep it seems to be that All the PDF,s Links are going to Downloadable Instead and Not Opening Up--I Just Tried Them
This is Happening on Everything on their Site Even the Press Releases and the Ones You Posted Tom
I am taking a class to obtain my Technician license.
I want to make a copy to take to class for discussion.
When I click on the link, it no longer works.
It worked earlier in the week.
Any suggestions?
FCC says radios that that transmitt out of the ham band, what about hams that acquire commercial gear to use for ham ops. In the DMR world, you hear some talk that they are using Motorola XXX. I am confused about radios that have wide band coverage that many use for a scanner.
The FCC advisory says these radios are illegal but they granted Part 90 certification or Part 15 certification as a scanning receivers to several models from several manufacturers. Can Customs do anything if a radio has an FCC ID and proper labeling?
What if they're falsely labeled as certified since I'm sure no one in a position of authority has checked them before now.
A few years ago, the famous AnyTone great FCC certification scam went down, and that was my point then. A label is meaningless if it isn't backed up by factual legit certification.What if they're falsely labeled as certified since I'm sure no one in a position of authority has checked them before now. If they're allowed, I'm gonna snatch up a bunch and get a Sharpie and go do town. My "certification" will mean just as much.
If the radio is ordered from China, I think they come labeled as "Toy." However true that might really be, that is not the intention. But because of the labeling, the platoon of package poking people of the federal government are not likely to check a "toy" as much as they might check a radio. If they've been told to look for "Part 90" somewhere on the device, that's all they care about because they haven't a clue what it represents. They get paid the big bucks to look, not test.