113 -19 dcc 5 451.0095 ch 1 & 2 ( not currently able to receive another cc likely )
113 - 15 dcc 1 451.4745 ( I show as a cc in my list but dont have a ch # yet an is not currently active )
Not sure of your location, but I'd guess you are much farther away from Cleveland. However, you're probably not close to Columbus either, and so you probably received that during some tropo enhancement. That might make it extra hard to determine where this site is.
113 - 10 dcc1 Both 461.4865 ( unk ch #'s - to faint of signal ) and 463,6625 CH 5 - 6 as cc's
yeah it was the morning after the severe weather went thru the area i was in dmr heaven , 6 - 127 sites out of indiana , a few 128's 132 's and a gm plant on the 395 network .
btw im in wapakoneta ohio ( 45895 zip ) just south of lima .
113-1 dayton updates submitted
but its a little weird , lcn ch 5&6 451.7875 witch is a alt control channel ,
isn't active as a voice channel when the main control channel 452.4375 is in use.
and gets "skipped over " when monitoring .
And the lcn ch 1&2 452.4375 control channel is dcc 5 and the voice channels are all dcc 1.
Here's a few that i have logged so far that are not listed anywhere in the db yet :
113 - 7
; NL 1 2 4 9 15
452.3875 and 463.4245 unable to determine LCN's yet
; NL 4 5 8 15 16
; 463.6625 and 461.4865 are cc but couldn't catch the LCN of 461.4865
LCN CH# 5-6 463.6625
113 - 14
; NL 1 2 9 15 16
LCN CH # 1-2 452.3375 - Control channel
451.901 unknown LCN
113 - 15
; NL 4 9 10 14 16
LCN CH # 1-2 451.4745 - Control Channel
LCN CH # 3-4 462.000
LCN CH # 7-8 452.600 - Control Channel
113 - 17
; NL 1 3 4 11 12
LCN CH # 3-4 451.4495 - Control
451.838 Unknown LCN
464.762 Unkown LCN
; NL 1 2 12 17
LCN CH # 1-2 451.0095 - Control ( DCC 5 )
in ref to the note on color codes on the ticket ,
almost all of them are dcc 1 unless i noted otherwise ,
i'll try to include them in future entries to avoid confusion,
i just assume that the bulk majority of dmr signals are dcc1
I submitted site 15 Springfield tonight
Springfield Site 15
LCN -1 451.475
LCN -2 462.000
LCN -3 451.75
LCN -4 452.600
LCN -5 462.375
LCN -6 451.700
I confirmed these today