May 3, 2023
Very few scanner hobbyists these days are interested in searching for new information. Most only want to purchase, type in a zip code, and listen to their local public safety agencies. There's nothing at all wrong with this aspect of the hobby. But it's a reasonable explanation for why many radio targets that aren't public safety never get identified. To be fair, taking time to understand various radio systems, searching for new targets, looking up corresponding FCC licenses, and typing all of that information into a submission form, takes time/effort/expertise. It's a part of the hobby that isn't as common as it once was. Which makes your efforts especially valuable.

The database admins will get the information added to the db soon.

I, for one, am interested in local hospital communication. Not ambulance-to-hospital transmissions, but security, maintenance and operations within the hospital. I'm also interested in non-emergency medical transport services. I would suspect a place like AnMed has a number of frequencies in use, or even a DMR trunked system like Cap+, in use. Likewise, all the Prisma facilities (such as in Pickens and Oconee Counties, since we're talking about that part of the state) in the state likely have some radio systems in use. If anyone wants to add those as a monitoring target, I would greatly appreciate it. I identified a VHF DMR frequency for Prisma in Laurens County just yesterday.

Hi Brian,

I agree that all the focus is on public safety when it comes to scanner hobbyist, I could see that being the reason why a lot of it isn't getting identified. You're correct it does take time to understand and find all these things, I know I've spent a great deal of time myself the past several months gathering information and then trying to identify who might be using a particular radio system. In my opinion that is what makes this hobby fun, finding new things to listen to, then figure out who the user is. But I'll admit, sometimes it can be stressful too but well worth it in the end.

When the information is added, it should help the database quite a bit, lots of good information is to come for all us scanner hobbyist out there!

The hospitals are also in my listening interest. I have a variety of monitoring targets such as any type of businesses, manufacturers, schools, hospitals, utility services, public works, public safety, etc. I also listen to security for Prisma Health but would also like to see maintenance, engineering and housekeeping identified as well, but those are under my radar for monitoring. The same goes for AnMed Health I would like to get their security, maintenance, housekeeping and engineering frequencies identified too. AnMed Health is conventional DMR and I've looked through their other radio licenses that are active and found that the others are licensed for analog emissions only. There's no Cap+ DMR system from what I can see. Most of what is on their DMR channels sounds like their hospital operations such as patient movement.

Now that everything is moving to digital communications, I don't listen to much of the analog stuff anymore like I use to but when I do I listen to what is left of public safety, railroad, amateur radio, and then of course you have things such as GMRS, MURS and FRS. Just know that I'm trying my absolute best to get as many things as possible identified, as I do, I'll submit them to not only the database but I'll also post them to this forum. Something else I'm working on is getting talkgroups for slot 2 for the majority of things I've identified that doesn't already have a slot 2 if that makes sense.

~ LocalScanner45 ~
May 3, 2023
Monitored 461.375 CC 1 overnight and appears to be very active between 2 and 4 a.m., I found Talkgroups 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 with both slots active. I'm unsure who the user is but I can tell you that Refresco Beverages (WRNY652) in Greenville County and FedEx Ground (WRWX600) in Anderson County is licensed for DMR on this frequency.

I would like to note that this frequency carries data as well, I heard data bursts regularly. There was also keyups with no voice but all voice transmissions was heard loud and clear from my location. All activity seem to calm down around 5 a.m. this morning.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that FedEx Ground mainly uses a color code of 7 for their operations on DMR at least from what I've seen in various states.

Anyways, this is another pretty cool find! Hopefully I'll figure out who the user is soon.

~ LocalScanner45 ~
May 3, 2023
I found 451.7875 using Color Code 9 TG 1 Slot 1. I've also seen All Call TG 16777215 in use on this frequency.

I believe it's either Michelin North America (WPVL805) or Teknor Apex Carolina Company (WQXM964). It could also be Show Pro Entertainment Services (WQSY221) they are licensed for this frequency as well.
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May 3, 2023
Greater Greenville Sanitation has updated their color codes on their DMR system. It appears that color code 1 is no longer used, but the frequencies and talkgroups are still the same. Here's what I found:

460.11250 CC 8 TG 10 SL 1 Dispatch office
460.23750 CC 9 TG 12 SL 1 Operations Channel

I have submitted this information to the database.
May 3, 2023
I have identified the fire department using 464.0500 Color Code 1 TG 5000 SLOT 2 in Greenville County. I've done alot of listening and I'm hearing what sounds like Tigerville Fire Department. Matter of fact, I've heard them mention Platform 84 and Hwy 25. I've also heard them say the name of their own fire department. I believe their using DMR as a talk-around or secondary channel.

Sounds like ZF transmissions (WQUH225) is using 461.9125 Color Code 6 with both slots active. The talkgroups found are 11, 12, 21, 22, 41, 42, 54, 63, 81, 110, 120, 140, 150, 160, 170, 210, 2628. I'm thinking that this is probably a DMR Cap+ system. I'm hearing them mention things such as wheels, cars, production line numbers, etc.

I've already submitted both of these to the database.
Apr 28, 2023
I think it's worth starting a thread to discuss the use of DMR and NXDN digital radio systems in SC.

These systems are becoming more and more common in the business bands, and several public safety agencies are also using them. Expect their prevalence to continue to rise. There are few high end scanner models that receive DMR, and two (Whistler TRX-1 and 2) that receive NXDN. You can also listen to these signals using commonly available and low cost RTL SDR dongles connected to a PC and using free software (DSDPlus, specifically). There are many forums on this site discussing hardware and software to accomplish this.

There are several wide area networked DMR and NXDN systems operating in SC today. Fleettalk (operated by Rock Communication, among others) operates a NXDN network in SC and NC. Charleston Wireless (among others) operates a DMR Connect+ network any many urban areas of the state. Capital City Connect+ operates in the Midlands region. And I believe SCAN has deployed a Tier 3 DMR network in areas that SCE&G operates.

Numerous other smaller systems are operating. Single channel DMR NXDN systems ("conventional") are very common and can probably be heard in almost every location in the state. Capacity Plus DMR systems are not uncommon as well.

In the Upstate, Communication Service Center operates a site of the Charleston Wireless Connect+ system in Greenville. They also operate Capacity+ systems on 800MHz and UHF. Several fire departments in Greenville currently use single channel DMR repeaters. Greenville Hospital operates a VHF networked DMR system. Greenville schools and Greater Greenville Sanitation operate Capacity plus systems. SC School for the Deaf and Blind operate a Capacity+ system. BMW Manufacturing operates a Connect+ system at their plant in Greer. Michelin operates a low-power NXDN system in Spartanburg There are many others.

Here's my question for any others monitoring DMR systems in the Upstate: I'm hearing a single channel DMR repeater on 451.800 Color Code 9. It has a voice ID of what sounds like "LPTR Repeater System Hopkins St". I'm near the border with NC, so it could possibly be coming from that state, but it has a pretty strong signal in my area so if it's in SC, it's near the border.

I can't find an FCC license that seems to match with this channel. Does anyone have any ideas what that might be?
Anyone been able to pickup the gold mine in Lancaster sc pretty sure it is dmr?
May 3, 2023
Here are some of my recent DMR findings from last week...

464.3000 Color Code 5 TG 3000 SLOT 1 Michelin Greenville County
452.1520 Color Code 6 TG 3001 SLOT 1 Vulcan Pickens County
452.1520 Color Code 6 TG 3002 SLOT 2 Vulcan Pickens County

All the information above I have already submitted to the database.

I also found 452.975 Color Code 2 TG 2 SLOT 1 I don't know who the user is but I can confirm it sounds like maintenance/security.
May 3, 2023
I did a bunch of scanning recently and this is what I found. I have several favorites from this list!

451.775 Color Code 4 TG 101 SLOT 1
453.7875 Color Code 7 TG 4 SLOT 1
463.5125 Color Code 5 TG 104 SLOT 1
463.5125 Color Code 5 TG 105 SLOT 1
463.5125 Color Code 5 TG 110 SLOT 1
463.5125 Color Code 6 TG 1000 SLOT 1
463.5125 Color Code 6 TG 2000 SLOT 2
463.650 Color Code 1 TG 201 SLOT 1 and 2
464.575 Color Code 1 TG 7001 SLOT 1
464.575 Color Code 1 TG 7002 SLOT 2
464.875 Color Code 9 TG 1001 SLOT 1
464.875 Color Code 9 TG 2001 SLOT 2
461.7375 Color Code 8 SLOT 1 with talkgroups 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 25
May 3, 2023
Sounds like Walmart Fulfillment Services in Laurens County is using 462.450 Color Code 2 TG 101 on both slots. I've already submitted this to the database. Here is a list of several other DMR frequencies that I discovered:

451.775 Color Code 4 TG 102 SLOT 2
462.300 Color Code 1 TG 131 SLOT 1
462.300 Color Code 1 TG 111 SLOT 2
462.500 Color Code 1 TG 55001 SLOT 1
463.400 Color Code 1 TG 3 SLOT 1
463.400 Color Code 1 TG 8 SLOT 1
463.400 Color Code 1 TG 10 SLOT 1
463.600 Color Code 1 TG 61 SLOT 1
463.600 Color Code 1 TG 101 SLOT 1
463.600 Color Code 1 TG 121 SLOT 1
464.575 Color Code 1 TG 1 SLOT 2

Didn't catch the color code or slot information for 463.575 but I know it's using TG 5 and possibly some others.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2018
I have the sds100 not having any luck picking them up.
I'll reach out to the system admin for the trbomax system but I believe they are using a part of the system that is encrypted so to speak or that's how it was when I worked for Motorola when they were installed
May 3, 2023
Sounds like Cytec Carbon Fibers (Solvay) is running a DMR repeater on 451.525 Color Code 5 Slot 2 TG 515. I can hear them loud and clear from my location.
May 3, 2023
Does anyone have any insight as to what school this might be?

461.6875 DMR
Color Code: 7
TG 400
Slot: 1

I've been monitoring this for the past two days. Yesterday I heard something about "at his house" or something similar sounding, but I missed the first part of the conversation due to color code search. This morning they conducted morning radio check, during that I heard the library staff check their radio which is how I identified this as a school. At first I thought this might be Spartanburg School District, but I can't say that for sure.

FCC search for this frequency revealed the following schools:

WNAC358 - Winthrop University - Licensed for DMR, but no repeater on this frequency
WQDE685 - Spartanburg County School District 5 - Licensed for DMR, repeater on this frequency
WQNN645 - Colleton County School District - Licensed for DMR, repeater on this frequency
WQZF657 - Lexington Richland School District 5 - Licensed for DMR, repeater on this frequency
WREK475 - Spartanburg School District 7 - Licensed for DMR, repeater on this frequency.
WRFR667 - Lexington Richland School District Five - Licensed for DMR, repeater on this frequency.
WRQV917 - Motorola Solutions - According to the FCC data for this frequency, there's supposedly a school using this frequency in Kingstree, SC. This one is also licensed for DMR with a repeater.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 2, 2003
York, SC
Does anyone have any insight as to what school this might be?

461.6875 DMR
Color Code: 7
TG 400
Slot: 1

I've been monitoring this for the past two days. Yesterday I heard something about "at his house" or something similar sounding, but I missed the first part of the conversation due to color code search. This morning they conducted morning radio check, during that I heard the library staff check their radio which is how I identified this as a school. At first I thought this might be Spartanburg School District, but I can't say that for sure.

FCC search for this frequency revealed the following schools:

WNAC358 - Winthrop University - Licensed for DMR, but no repeater on this frequency
WQDE685 - Spartanburg County School District 5 - Licensed for DMR, repeater on this frequency
WQNN645 - Colleton County School District - Licensed for DMR, repeater on this frequency
WQZF657 - Lexington Richland School District 5 - Licensed for DMR, repeater on this frequency
WREK475 - Spartanburg School District 7 - Licensed for DMR, repeater on this frequency.
WRFR667 - Lexington Richland School District Five - Licensed for DMR, repeater on this frequency.
WRQV917 - Motorola Solutions - According to the FCC data for this frequency, there's supposedly a school using this frequency in Kingstree, SC. This one is also licensed for DMR with a repeater.
What area are you listening from?
May 3, 2023
More DMR stuff that I've discovered. I included info that I've written in my notes for these DMR channels as well.

453.2000 DMR
Color Code 1
TG 16777215 (ALL CALL)
Slot: 1
Transportation service?
*Heard dispatch checking if a driver picked up or dropped off at the "Grace of God"

463.4250 DMR
Color Code: 8
Slot 1: TG 100 "Do your paper work!" "Warehouse" "You good Lisa"
Slot 2: TG 300 "We need to put our hands on the motor so that we're ready when they say when."
Unknown User

464.7375 DMR
Color Code 12
TG 255
Slot: 2
Anderson School District 4 buses
*This is referred to as "Channel 2" for the school buses. There is possibly an unknown school on this channel because I keep hearing "Mr. Brady" and "Mr. Brady you got a copy?"

Other ones I've found include 461.6375 Color Code 11 and 463.6375 Color Code 12 both of these use several talkgroups. I believe this might be part of a Cap+ system, my best guess would be First Quality Tissue in Anderson but I can't say that for sure.

I'm also getting 461.4625 DMR with a color code of 2. I'm unsure of the user, but I can say that all talkgroups I've seen so far have been encrypted.
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Feed Provider
Dec 11, 2000
North Augusta, SC
Six Mile Fleettalk information......I was monitoring the Six Mile site ( 453.0000) and noticed 2 talkgroups, 11541 and 11551. Looking at the radio ID information this looks like Medical units. I was wondering if someone that lives up that way can maybe listen and ID these talkgroups. I won't be back up til next weekend.


Feed Provider
Dec 11, 2000
North Augusta, SC
More DMR stuff that I've discovered. I included info that I've written in my notes for these DMR channels as well.

453.2000 DMR
Color Code 1
TG 16777215 (ALL CALL)
Slot: 1
Transportation service?
*Heard dispatch checking if a driver picked up or dropped off at the "Grace of God"

463.4250 DMR
Color Code: 8
Slot 1: TG 100 "Do your paper work!" "Warehouse" "You good Lisa"
Slot 2: TG 300 "We need to put our hands on the motor so that we're ready when they say when."
Unknown User

464.7375 DMR
Color Code 12
TG 255
Slot: 2
Anderson School District 4 buses
*This is referred to as "Channel 2" for the school buses. There is possibly an unknown school on this channel because I keep hearing "Mr. Brady" and "Mr. Brady you got a copy?"

Other ones I've found include 461.6375 Color Code 11 and 463.6375 Color Code 12 both of these use several talkgroups. I believe this might be part of a Cap+ system, my best guess would be First Quality Tissue in Anderson but I can't say that for sure.

I'm also getting 461.4625 DMR with a color code of 2. I'm unsure of the user, but I can say that all talkgroups I've seen so far have been encrypted.
I thought I would email you and let you know I found another frequency for Dist 5. I was in Clemson this past Friday and did some searching. I found 461.9750 also being used by the busses. Same TG as the one you posted. I heard the name Glenwood School once.