Updates to the DMR functionality will be available through the PC app this afternoon!
•Fixed issue where some DMR systems were not being imported properly when using the location import methods.
•Added support for conventional DMR channels. Channels may be added using the preferred import method or add manually from the conventional channel tab.
•Added a more powerful new channel entry screen when entering new conventional channels from the Conventional tab. This screen allows entering the channel type, Alpha tag, access details (CTCSS/DCS/NAC or DMR settings), and scanlist memberships.
•Added Color Code, Slot, and Talkgroup ID options to the import screen on the conventional import screens. For this information to be imported, the "Mode" or Modulation element to be imported must be set to DMR. "Wildcard" values for these fields are Color Code: -1 (or blank), Slot: 0, Talkgroup ID: 0.
•Changed the column header "Modulation" to "Mode" in the conventional import screen to be more consistent with other areas of the application.
•Added support for new RRDB fields to allow import of DMR settings. These options require library data files version 471 or later.
•Fixed issue where the library import functions would include frequencies that are invalid for the scanner (those below 25MHz for example).
•Fixed issue where setting a trunking system to DMR would cause the site sub-type to be set to P25 Auto. While this value was shown, it was more cosmetic in nature and did not effect the scanning of the system.
•Fixed a positioning issue with the squelch edit screen on the conventional channel list.
•Updated help file to include information about DMR conventional objects and options
•Added Dwell Time column to the Trunked system list on the Trunked tab. This setting controls how long the scanner will remain on the selected trunking system before giving up and moving on to the next system or frequency.
•Fixed issue where some DMR systems were not being imported properly when using the location import methods.
•Added support for conventional DMR channels. Channels may be added using the preferred import method or add manually from the conventional channel tab.
•Added a more powerful new channel entry screen when entering new conventional channels from the Conventional tab. This screen allows entering the channel type, Alpha tag, access details (CTCSS/DCS/NAC or DMR settings), and scanlist memberships.
•Added Color Code, Slot, and Talkgroup ID options to the import screen on the conventional import screens. For this information to be imported, the "Mode" or Modulation element to be imported must be set to DMR. "Wildcard" values for these fields are Color Code: -1 (or blank), Slot: 0, Talkgroup ID: 0.
•Changed the column header "Modulation" to "Mode" in the conventional import screen to be more consistent with other areas of the application.
•Added support for new RRDB fields to allow import of DMR settings. These options require library data files version 471 or later.
•Fixed issue where the library import functions would include frequencies that are invalid for the scanner (those below 25MHz for example).
•Fixed issue where setting a trunking system to DMR would cause the site sub-type to be set to P25 Auto. While this value was shown, it was more cosmetic in nature and did not effect the scanning of the system.
•Fixed a positioning issue with the squelch edit screen on the conventional channel list.
•Updated help file to include information about DMR conventional objects and options
•Added Dwell Time column to the Trunked system list on the Trunked tab. This setting controls how long the scanner will remain on the selected trunking system before giving up and moving on to the next system or frequency.