• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Do truckers still use CB Radios?


Dec 24, 2024
yes im in southwet mo. what freqincy are they on and area? im licened too. is it 2 meters 440?
i carry a dual band hand held radio and set to scan never hearing anybody cept repeaters when they autokey to identify
Thanks for the reply .It has uhf vhf and air band. It can in with factory settings.I wonder if the baufang videos would help. Sorry to be in the weeds on this.


An Awesome Dude
Aug 8, 2009
I gotta say Channel 19 is so dead here now I wonder if anyone is still on it??

The only thing that saves that band is when the DX comes in,then you see its still plenty active...


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
I was sitting at an intersection that’s right next to I-85 the other day, and one truck called another truck to let him know that one of his trailer doors had come open. The other truck acknowledged him and pulled over to fix it.

That’s the exact example of why real truck drivers cant believe others go without a radio.

Tires are the scary one.



Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
I hardly ever hear anyone on 19... just a new fact of life I guess
used to be, if I asked for a radio check on my big base antenna I would normally get a response... but lately they are fewer and fewer.
I was out in my shop this morning at 6:30AM on LSB talking to Europe.... I normally can make several contacts at this time in the morning... but I could hear a lot of people but didn't get them??? after a couple tries, I said oh no we had a lot of snow and ice storms the last couple days... I bet my antenna is all covered in ice.... so I flipped on 19 turned my power down all the way ( 2 watts) and keyed the mic to see the SWR ...it seemed ok... and seeing I was keying the mic I asked for a radio check... I was shocked to have someone tell me it was working fine.... I live out in the middle of a forest.. I can go out for the mail and stand in the middle of the road and talk to my neighbor for 20 minutes and not have a car go by ( horses go by every hour or so but cars???? only a few)... I've NEVER seen an 18 wheeler in my area... only trees and squirrels here.... but I guess you just never know whose around.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
One way to measure the percentage of truckers driving with a CB is to use a frequency counter to measure the number of truckers with a CB antenna mounted on the truck. This is called "interval recording." You define the interval of measurement. One could measure the frequency of occurrence of truckers passing by with a mounted CB antenna within a thirty-minute time frame. You could actually measure this during a 24-hour period of time. I would imagine there would be exceptions in this measurement that may be addressed with an "error of measurement" for the exceptions that will likely surface. Who knows what results would follow. However, I don't feel the need to sit on the side of the road for twenty-four hours. If you want more accuracy, you could get a friend to do the same. Then, you would have two observers for measurement comparisons, LOL.


  • Frequency.jpg
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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Here’s an example of an antenna molded-into the area above windshield. OEM


A large percentage of trucks on the road.
No external clues as to presence.



May 10, 2024
I gotta say Channel 19 is so dead here now I wonder if anyone is still on it??

The only thing that saves that band is when the DX comes in,then you see its still plenty active...

My living doesn't get made on the road, but my truck doesn't move until I'm on AM19.

There's almost no time of the day that I can't make contact on that channel. Local contact with other mobiles, not DX.

Granted, I'm in a high use area, and that's not the case for everyone.

The only thing that HURTS the channel around here IS the DX!

The only time I have to stretch to make local contact is when the Skip is rolling.

That's when men, tired of the BS, turn their volume low and their squelch high.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
My living doesn't get made on the road, but my truck doesn't move until I'm on AM19.

There's almost no time of the day that I can't make contact on that channel. Local contact with other mobiles, not DX.

Granted, I'm in a high use area, and that's not the case for everyone.

The only thing that HURTS the channel around here IS the DX!

The only time I have to stretch to make local contact is when the Skip is rolling.

That's when men, tired of the BS, turn their volume low and their squelch high.

Howzabout yer Cobra 29 Backup Radio?

A DX86V is my backup. And not much better with a Lil Wil (atrocious, IOW). But at least it has some juice as well as being AM/SSB.

Guess we gotta pony up for a T3500 antenna, huh? That’ll fix it!

Men caught in the past just don’t realize they can’t hear a third, sometimes half of what’s in their area compared to a modern NRC (DSP) radio rig with a very good antenna system. (Mag mount WILSON or SIRIO 6’ or taller for backup radio).

— Thirty years experience (opinion) of running a CB really don’t matter if gear and install weren’t worth beans.

The minimum is a decent (tall) antenna for a backup. Both of our radios are “good” even if obsolete. (Need outboard DSP, then alignment/tune to be sure of operation).

Might not be anyone around 2-3/miles out. And there might be a fair number 5-7/miles out. But if one doesn’t have a radio system antenna that enables one to Hear, and Get Heard an inaccurate appraisal of radio traffic is automatic.

It was time-consuming (not just expensive) trying to get a now old-style radio system to really perform.

Luckily, an NRC radio is happy to swap into place. And is uncannily quiet at both ends.

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Oct 10, 2018
Hickory NC
Here’s an example of an antenna molded-into the area above windshield. OEM
View attachment 177789


A large percentage of trucks on the road.
No external clues as to presence.

Don’t forget about all the trucks that have mounted antennas, but no radio. Last warehouse I worked in, had something like 150 tractors give or take. They all came in with dual firestik style antennas mounted, but I’d say only 30-40 actually had a radio in the cab.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth

View attachment 177921

The secret ingredient, lol

Getting ready for the TRD special!

Only the price is attractive. I cringe every time I see it as I’m far from convinced it’ll last.

It’s presence argues that antenna system is least important. Don’t let it whack anything.
Temp only.

Conversely, the W1000 has a solid track record in commercial use by pilot cars, snow plows and others where slip seat is a norm (or the W5000). Yet other choices are available.

“Saving money” isn’t value. I’d cheap out by buying ANYTONE versus PRESIDENT were that the route I had to follow. A radio is easy to swap.

Theres no reason not to try an NMO Magnetic as the wind load is low. And one can get above 5’.

Most of my antennas I’d be using the triple magnet mount which is less than handy, but that’s more a matter of how to carry it around (larger case). In 25-years I have yet to have it move under any antenna at 70+ MPH including quarter-wave whips bent nearly double.

Actual worst thing about it is removal.



A WILSON 2000 with a variety of base shafts atop the Starpad Launcher can get it above 5’ fairly easily (gear already owned). Now it’s become difficult to outperform except via being quite tall (over 6’).

A big mag mount is a handy piece to own.
Temporary assignment to another vehicle with little drop-off in GP performance.

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
For this job (were it my company truck in shop):

Have to match one of my W2000 with an appropriate spring and bottom shaft (many lengths on hand).

Old big truck gear re-purposed (in this case).

This assumes we want antenna whip to be no more than about 5’ and with additional height via triple magnet mount + spring + quick disconnect and are willing to assemble such.

Whip length is what decides ease-of-carry.
Longer Shaft Below Coil = Shorter Whip Above Coil.

a replacement whip cut to spec for this.

Not cheap if from scratch.

A 5’ SKIPSHOOTER with appropriate spring would be less costly, for example, but has no coil to be concerned over (durability).

The longer one is in the loaner vehicle . . . .

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
One isn’t limited to packaged antennas is the only point.

Ease of Carry is self-determined.

Something kept in the work vehicle as backup is one scenario. Should it also have to serve on a loaner vehicle is additional duty.



May 10, 2024
One isn’t limited to packaged antennas is the only point.

Ease of Carry is self-determined.

Something kept in the work vehicle as backup is one scenario. Should it also have to serve on a loaner vehicle is additional duty.


As far as backup antennas go, this ain't that for me. The Tram is my loaner-outer (the choice having been made based on economics).

As you probably remember I have three permanent mounts wired up (two just being capped off), and a backup 4.5' SkipShooter stowed away.

I got my truck back from the shop today. Apparently I forgot to take my 7' SkipShooter off when I left it.

This was their solution...



Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Ck ferrule.

I’d figure it may be “broken” at that point unless you have correct spring.

Why many of us ran 1’ tall PVC down to shaft bottom in OTR.

I gave the surviving 7’ of my first pair after 90k miles to a young O/O in a thread on this forum. The other (broken at ferrule) is now a “fishing tool”.

After I remove an antenna I have a SS bolt can go into mount (a little bit long to facilitate removal).

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