The thread I referenced has a list of codes. Specifically, look at this post :
does anyone have a list of codes and terms they could share ? i listen to CSP And FRCC such as Revoked HTL ? Thanks matt.
Troop can give you a more up-to-date list, but this might get you started.
I have went through all those, previously.
Those pertain to 10-codes and some department specific codes and alpha codes.
I'm referring to the Common codes used by CSP for dispositions. They would align with title 42 of the C.R.S. they may even be the ending sequence numbers of the specific C.R.S. numbers in title 42, but I'm not sure without hearing one and looking at it with knowledge of what the dispo is for that specific situation.
For example, one I heard last night was a DUI arrest with numerous common codes. 1 specific one I remember was common code 141 when giving the 2C dispatcher the Disposition.
I'm sure there is a list or even an explanation of how the common codes are listed/used. Maybe as I said, the last digits of the specific Title 42 statute. But I'm not certain.
Thanks for the help though.