As an update to my 8/22 post. I still see no real improvement in the new VHF upgrade. Many sites were turned off because they interfered with each other. Signals are weaker, coverage is still poor. To make matters even worse, when new vehicle and hand held radios were bought, they went with lower power units to save money. They did this because of all the new added towers in the upgraded system. But as mentioned, many sites are off so weaker radios didn't help the coverage problems either.
The new trunk system is still not being used for regular radio traffic. After several classes, many employees still can't seem to figure out the radio's. It also has coverage issues and at least three sites are still not online.
The dispatch center is under fire again as well. Several users are dissatisfied with their service. But can't do it any cheaper, so they are over that perverbal barrel of having to deal with many issues because of short budgets. Many are upset because they were not included in the upgrade meetings and never were able to give their input.
Five years and 9.5+ million dollars and what do we have here. More of the same. No it is even worse than before in my opinion. Hopefully they will throw some more homeland security money at it. Government ideas at their best!!