UPDATE: most of the DCSO fleet have been changed out with TRBO portables/mobiles. Saw a deputy this afternoon on Thornton Rd/Maxham at the QT. He had an XPR7550 with a high tier noise cancelling RSM. Did not get to chat with him.
So it appears they are well on their way to moving to MotoTRBO, at least their fleet has been migrated. Being that they had XTL5000s and quite a bit of P25 conventional gear (seen everything from XTS5000s, XTS15000s to analog only HT1000s in use) and are replacing ALL the subscriber hardware, it's only a matter of time.
I really would like more info on their new system. Maybe it's still in the final planning stages. As far as the people who are saying TRBO won't cut it in a public safety environment, ask Paulding county, Polk county and Jackson county how like their UHF TRBO systems respectively. Paulding used to struggle with a simulcast single channel repeater that barely had portable coverage on the street doing the "statue of liberty". Go listen to their stream and tell me how they sound now.
White county is a different animal, it's all mountainous, and any radio system in challenging terrain will have coverage problems if not enough TX/RX sites are in places where they are needed. P25 would be no different if there was inadequate infrastructure in place, or NXDN, or TETRA or two cups and a string for that matter.
I think alot of the "hatorade" about TRBO on these forums comes from the fact that no turdy crap scanner can receive TRBO/DMR out of the box. So what. When they go P25 they encrypt anyway thanks to all the big mouths and streaming so why not have LESS of YOUR and MY tax money spent and our public safety actually get what WE pay for?