The information on the Dougal county page in the database isn't accurate.
Yes, it's rumored they are outsourcing to a private common carrier service (an SMR) but that frequency is not licensed to any company for that purpose. Neither were the frequencies that I hear DMR activity on. There are license call signs shown in the radio reference DB but they are for a paging service, not part 90 trunking/voice. The 152mHz range is typically used for taxi cabs so it's anybody's guess at this point
The frequency on the Douglas County DMR page is properly licensed, they just happen to reuse Part 22 frequencies. This is not improper. RadioReference elects not to include Part 22 in its FCC Database, even though many Part 22 frequencies are today used for regular land mobile two-way radio, including public safety. See
Part 22 Paging Channels - The RadioReference Wiki for details on this type of usage. White County, GA and Habersham County, GA sheriff and fire have the same sort of setup - MotoTRBO on properly licensed Part 22 frequencies that don't show up in the RadioReference FCC database but do show up on the ULS database at Unfortunately, since Part 22 uses a "range" of frequencies licensed broadly across a "market," you don't get to see a precise frequency licensed to a precise tower location. But if you hold the Part 22 license, you're free to use frequencies within that range inside that market area.
Remember, it just isn't true that a frequency is unlicensed (or expired) just because the RR FCC database says so. The RR FCC database is a subset of the real FCC database. Rely on it at your own risk.
All of that said - I do think there is one inaccuracy on the RR page for Douglas County TRBO. To me, talkgroup 100 sure does sound encrypted when monitored on my CS701 radio.