This is not a technical issue. It is a legal one. Why do you think DSD author is so anonymous?
Forgive my ignorance, but perhaps you misunderstood my question. It wasn't a matter of me asking you to release it or anything like that (I'm sure you've already written it yourself hence the comment that it can be done). It was based on my (admittedly C++ noob) assumptions:
1. The bit of code required to take the discriminator audio from the mic jack and turn it into 1's and 0's for decoding purposes, as it is currently written in DSD, won't work for windows.
2. Any potential windows port needs to have that part of the code rewritten.
3. The capture.cpp program written by you way back in the day could be used as a starting point for that updated code.
All I was asking for was validation of the assumptions listed above before attempting anything so I don't waste my time. As I've said to another poster, if it was my intent to release my own decoder, I'd license the codec from DVSI directly and stop wasting time with this open source stuff. And I'd charge for it too, just because I could at that point. I have no interest in doing either. I just want to see if DSD can be ported to Windows and if I could do it myself.