DSD 1.3 and mbelib 1.2 released

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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Mar 2, 2006
Lake Co, Ind
What might be helpful as a reference is a compilation of what hardware is working for people. I see numerous people stating they are getting near-perfect decoding, which is fantastic. Many of us are not however. Such a list should include:

Radio: FT8800 using the Packet Output
Discriminator Tap: Unknown, but using a properly filtered (un filtered) packet audio out
Input: Line In
Sound Card: AC97 in/out
Distro: Debian
Specs: 1.7GHz Athlon, 1GB or so of RAM, no GUI.

Signal: TRBO flawlessly with a good signal (can get weak decodes but audio is garbled)
P25: Locally generated P25 is very poorly decoded.
May 6, 2010
San Jose, Costa Rica
Request for VSELP frame data

Nice work guys!

Anyone here have a somewhat clean VSELP frame data from Astro C4FM network to share?
I just found source code for VSELP decoding and possibly it could integrate with DSD.

Thanks in advance,

May 6, 2010
San Jose, Costa Rica
VSELP samples


Thank you very much for the recording and I will analyze this and get back to you as soon as possible.
Also, I may have to create a small standalone application just to grab and decode samples specifically for the Astro VSELP C4FM network. I will provide this to you as soon as it as available in a few days.

If anyone know any technical information on the packet data for the Astro net like interleaving, FECs, etc. please let us know so we can work on this faster. Any clue will point us to the right direction.

I will start preparing the Astro VSELP devocoder to PCM conversion with the appropriate (guess estimates) vocoder parameters such as LPC, LAG, codebooks (CB), sample size, sample rate, etc.




May 8, 2010

If anyone know any technical information on the packet data for the Astro net like interleaving, FECs, etc. please let us know so we can work on this faster. Any clue will point us to the right direction.

Where is the DSDAuthor ? He was talking about a new "DSD" release 2 week ago.

Can he integrate VSELP decoding in DSD as a all in one application for digital voice decoding ?


Feb 1, 2004
Has anyone got dsd working with either intel HDA or usb audio? I have two usb audio devices (Griffin imic and a mystery cmedia box.

I got dsd working on my desktop (AMD quad core phenom suse 11.2 and Diamond XS71 cards). I'm trying to get it to run on my notebook (Dell lattitude 6400, also suse 11.2). The program compiles just fine. At the moment, I'm just feeding it either a P16 wave file I recorded or the provoice imb files that were supplied as a demo. Both work on the desktop. On the notebook, dsd goes through the motions of doing a demod. The text on the screen looks as if the program is demodulating, but no audio is heard. I have tested the usb audio in playback using audacity and aplay. I have tried to use the -w option to write a file, but the program writes a blank (silent) wav file.

ALSA driver version 1.0.23-git20100613 compiled Jun 13 2010 for kernal (smp)

/dev/audio is the Intel HDA
/dev/audio1 is the Griffin imic

Using the provoice demo files, outputting to /dev/audio runs slower than outputing to /dev/audio1, so I think the software isn't even opening the usb audio.

A brief explanation of how audio is handled in this program would be useful in contacting the ALSA forum. Basically, the ALSA forum will ask if I can use aplay and that will be that until I can give them something more technical.

Incidentally, not a bug but something to watch out for is that the -r flag needs to be the last on the command line. It looks like -r reads every item following it on the command line as a file to read, even it is another flag.

I suspect the only solution here is to find a cardbus soundcard that works in linux. The intel HDA has been a show stopper on every program I've tried to run. No big deal on a desktop since a Diamond XS71 solves the problem, but notebooks don't have that luxury.


Feb 24, 2001
Gary - dsd accesses the /dev/audio device directly. It does not go though ALSA, OSS, Jack or some other layer.


Feb 1, 2004
Gary - dsd accesses the /dev/audio device directly. It does not go though ALSA, OSS, Jack or some other layer.

I thought linux audio had to go through Alsa. Now I'm really confused. So is there a library used to access a soundcard? I['ve programed a bit, but clearly never messed with a soundcard.]

Any particular module in dsd that would be good to study how a soundcard is driven? Perhaps a good source to read?

I'm relatively sure the problem is with the sound used in the notebook since the program works fine on my desktop, but that doesn't explain why the -w option produces a silent wav file. The headers/format of the file from -w is fine, i.e. it loads in Audacity or aplay, but it has no audio.


Feb 1, 2004
dsd 1.3 mbe1.2 with usb sound

Using a cmedia usb sound card (model to be provided later when I open the case), I can get the program semi-working. The text output looks as if it is decoding either p25 or trbo. I only get clicks for audio output and the program writes black audio files using the -w option. [Not empty files, but proper wav files at the 8khz rate with no sound. I tried a griffin imic and could not get the program to work.

I saved a bit of the trbo text using the cmedia usb sound :

Audio In/Out Device: /dev/audio
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 70% [slot0] slot1 Unknown burst type: 1101
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 78% slot0 [slot1] Unknown burst type: 1101
Sync: no sync
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 76% slot0 [slot1] RATE 1/2 DATA
Sync: no sync
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 74% slot0 [slot1] MBC
Sync: no sync
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 65% slot0 [slot1] Unknown burst type: 1101
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 58% slot0 [slot1] Unknown burst type: 1111
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 73% [slot0] slot1 PI Header
Sync: no sync
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 62% [slot0] slot1 Unknown burst type: 1111
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 57% [slot0] slot1 Unknown burst type: 1101
Sync: no sync
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 75% slot0 [slot1] Unknown burst type: 1101
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 70% [slot0] slot1 PI Header
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 65% [slot0] slot1 MBC
Sync: no sync
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 70% [slot0] slot1 Unknown burst type: 1101
Sync: no sync
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 74% slot0 [slot1] Unknown burst type: 1101
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 65% [slot0] slot1 Unknown burst type: 1101
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 72% slot0 [slot1] RATE 3/4 DATA
Sync: no sync
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 75% slot0 [slot1] Unknown burst type: 1101
Sync: no sync
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 73% [slot0] slot1 Unknown burst type: 1101
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 50% slot0 [slot1] MBC
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 69% slot0 [slot1] Slot idle
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 62% [slot0] slot1 Unknown burst type: 1101
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 74% slot0 [slot1] MBC
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 81% slot0 [slot1] Unknown burst type: 1101
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 70% slot0 [slot1] PI Header
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 70% [slot0] slot1 RATE 3/4 DATA
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 72% slot0 [slot1] MBC
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK input: 72% [slot0] slot1 RATE 3/4 DATA


Dec 19, 2005
Based on my experience with decoding TRBO, that looks like you've got a weaker signal than DSD needs.....again based on what Ive found to work, you need it to decode as GFSK and with a %age of 40-70% eg

Sync: +DMR mod: GFSK input: 45% [slot0] slot1 Slot idle
Sync: +DMR mod: GFSK input: 45% slot0 [slot1] Slot idle
Sync: +DMR mod: GFSK input: 45% [slot0] slot1 VOICE Header
Sync: +DMR mod: GFSK input: 45% slot0 [slot1] VOICE Header
Sync: +DMR mod: GFSK input: 45% [slot0] slot1 RATE 3/4 DATA


Any chance of boosting the signal or getting closer to the repeater?


Dec 19, 2005
Also, I've never been able to get the -w option to work (if anyone else has, PLEASE tell me how to do it).

I currently use dsd -d <directory> to create .amb files. You can still listen live while you run the -d option, but you obviously can't run dsd for live decode and playback an .amb file (which you do via right click, open with and select dsd) at the same time.



Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Audio decoding success!

The difference for me was building a patch cable with the resistor and capacitor in series. I used Radio Shack part # 271-1347, a pack of 5 100k-Ohm Resistors and Radio Shack part 272-1436, one 10uf Tantalum Capacitor. Total cost? $2.49 plus tax and absolutely no strongarming to buy a cell phone! :D

I'm getting good copy on a reasonably distant P25 conventional repeater using AC97 onboard sound for the input and a Diamond XS71 PCI card for the output. I'm using an Icom IC-PCR1000 for the discriminator audio and running the sound input at about 3-4%.

Now I'm really looking forward to playing more with this and trying to start to find some MotoTrbo signals in the area. For anyone that's having the problems I was having I'd strongly recommend giving this a try; it has made a world of difference here!


Feb 1, 2004
Also, I've never been able to get the -w option to work (if anyone else has, PLEASE tell me how to do it).

I currently use dsd -d <directory> to create .amb files. You can still listen live while you run the -d option, but you obviously can't run dsd for live decode and playback an .amb file (which you do via right click, open with and select dsd) at the same time.


The -w option works on my AMD quadcore desktop, but not on my dell core 2 duo notebook. Both running opensuse 11.2 with the latest alsa drivers. I have no explanation. The only P25 I can receive comes in poorly at my QTH, but does produce enough audio that I'm certain the program works, well at least on the AMD desktop. I can understand a soundcard not working, but the fact that the -w option works on one box and not the other for the same signal is odd. The text output looks similar on both machines. I guess I have to drive right to the county in question (i.e. be on scene) to rule out signal quality. [These repeaters probably have down tilt.]

Incidentally, when setting up the levels, you can't do this with the white noise that comes out of the demod tap when there it no signal present. Once RF is received, the signal level is much lower. [No offense to anyone if I'm stating the obvious.]


Feb 1, 2004
Audio decoding success!

The difference for me was building a patch cable with the resistor and capacitor in series. I used Radio Shack part # 271-1347, a pack of 5 100k-Ohm Resistors and Radio Shack part 272-1436, one 10uf Tantalum Capacitor. Total cost? $2.49 plus tax and absolutely no strongarming to buy a cell phone! :D

I'm getting good copy on a reasonably distant P25 conventional repeater using AC97 onboard sound for the input and a Diamond XS71 PCI card for the output. I'm using an Icom IC-PCR1000 for the discriminator audio and running the sound input at about 3-4%.

Now I'm really looking forward to playing more with this and trying to start to find some MotoTrbo signals in the area. For anyone that's having the problems I was having I'd strongly recommend giving this a try; it has made a world of difference here!

I can't speak for the PCR-1000, but it has been my experience that the R8500 demod tap is not so good. I think Mr. Unitrunker has a survey of demod outputs. [Ping].

It is really a shame the only electronics shop for most of the nation is Rat Shack. I bought about 20 10uf non-polarized Electrocube caps (23D series metalized polyester) at a local surplus shop just so I have a cap handy for DC blocking when I need it. They are a quarter each. Tantalum caps are polarized, though the output from your demod tap probably has a positive bias. Tantalum leaks current badly. The industry in general has tried to phase out tantalum where possible.

I also wonder now that we are getting to fancier modulation scheme that maybe the point has come that the demod tap should be buffered before feeding it to the outside world. In that respect, the Icoms are better than just tapping it yourself.

On the R8500 demod, I noticed edacs control channel signals tilt, as if there is a lack of low frequency bandwidth. No so on my Pro-2042 tap.


Feb 1, 2004
Based on my experience with decoding TRBO, that looks like you've got a weaker signal than DSD needs.....again based on what Ive found to work, you need it to decode as GFSK and with a %age of 40-70% eg

Sync: +DMR mod: GFSK input: 45% [slot0] slot1 Slot idle
Sync: +DMR mod: GFSK input: 45% slot0 [slot1] Slot idle
Sync: +DMR mod: GFSK input: 45% [slot0] slot1 VOICE Header
Sync: +DMR mod: GFSK input: 45% slot0 [slot1] VOICE Header
Sync: +DMR mod: GFSK input: 45% [slot0] slot1 RATE 3/4 DATA


Any chance of boosting the signal or getting closer to the repeater?

I can drive to the area, but I think the problem is more related to the usb soundcard.

Incidentally, I have no GFSK signals if you check my output.


Feb 1, 2004
Regarding the usb soundcard I have "semi-working", it uses a Cmedia CM106L. I see the part is dropped from the Cmedia website for newer designs. What I guess is new old stock of the same card I used is still on ebay. Look for "External USB 6 Channel 5.1 Sound Card PCI for PC Laptop". The "card" is literally a PCB that slides into a metal case painted blue. You can get at the guts by removing 4 screws.

I'm always reluctant to post ads to anything, especially ebay since the ads don't live as long as the forum posts. Anyway, item 390209756683 is the one I have.


Feb 1, 2004
I'm not sure if this is worth a new thread or not, but I discovered how to get the line capture working on the Creative Audigy Value cardbus card. You would think the proper control would be the one labeled LINE. Fool! The proper audio input is the one labeled AUDIO MIX. The decoding is poor compared to the cmedia USB. Looking at the output via Audacity, the signal level is low. I suspect the Audigy cardbus soundcard loads down the demod tap, so I guess I get to make that buffer experiment after all.


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
So tonight I had a brainstorm. As I was installing Wube or whatever that small install was that was mentioned in another thread, to let Ubuntu live on my netbook alongside XP, I was fiddling with my XTS3000.. my ASTRO-capable-and-programmed XTS3000.

I installed dsd and mbelib on the new Ubuntu distribution and hooked up my tapped BC245XLT to the line-in on the netbook (Asus eeePC 1000HE). Scanner was set to the frequency that the radio was transmitting on in ASTRO digital C4FM. Keying up and talking proved a reaction on the screen, but no worthwhile audio. I tried turning down the input volume until the percentage in dsd read ~52-55%, but again, just the occasional blaat'ing noise would come from the netbook.

I have xoscope and tried to generate screen shots of the waveform I'm seeing, but I evidently don't know how to do that properly. When I tried a Print Screen, the resulting screen shot had the trace from xoscope broken up and all over the screen instead of a solid line. Nothing like the clean image that Rick produced in this post. I know describing it won't be of much help, but what I do see is more of a pronounced sine-wave, almost square - but not clipped. The peaks and valleys of the waves are "crowned", kind of like /'------'\ on upper peaks and \.-------./ at the bottom, if you can put up with my horrible ASCII art for a bit.

Someone throw me a hint on how to get a good screencap of xoscope running and I'll try this again and post the result.


Premium Subscriber
May 3, 2003

Jay411, perhaps this could be helpful... it worked here and the xoscope didn't before doing this:


But even under the oss patch, this scope is limited.

For me a better approach was install wine and run the amazing Zeitnetz scope (top of thread cited below).

But the best approach for me was VBox.(bottom of thread cited below) I thought it might be bloaty, but it actually fit just fine on the thumb drive!


I started with Wubi, just like you, but soon transitioned to the bootable/persistant thumb drive approach... because i can run it on (almost) any machine that will boot from a USB port... plus i don't have anything on the machines' HDDs to clutter them up. One negative is it takes a looong time to boot, but once it does, everything runs just great, even on a netbook!

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