So tonight I had a brainstorm. As I was installing Wube or whatever that small install was that was mentioned in another thread, to let Ubuntu live on my netbook alongside XP, I was fiddling with my XTS3000.. my ASTRO-capable-and-programmed XTS3000.
I installed dsd and mbelib on the new Ubuntu distribution and hooked up my tapped BC245XLT to the line-in on the netbook (Asus eeePC 1000HE). Scanner was set to the frequency that the radio was transmitting on in ASTRO digital C4FM. Keying up and talking proved a reaction on the screen, but no worthwhile audio. I tried turning down the input volume until the percentage in dsd read ~52-55%, but again, just the occasional blaat'ing noise would come from the netbook.
I have xoscope and tried to generate screen shots of the waveform I'm seeing, but I evidently don't know how to do that properly. When I tried a Print Screen, the resulting screen shot had the trace from xoscope broken up and all over the screen instead of a solid line. Nothing like the clean image that Rick produced in
this post. I know describing it won't be of much help, but what I
do see is more of a pronounced sine-wave, almost square - but not clipped. The peaks and valleys of the waves are "crowned", kind of like /'------'\ on upper peaks and \.-------./ at the bottom, if you can put up with my horrible ASCII art for a bit.
Someone throw me a hint on how to get a good screencap of xoscope running and I'll try this again and post the result.