DSD 1.3 and mbelib 1.2 released

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What kind of time frame are you looking at for a windows release? I am excited to check it out.
How is the project progressing for getting this ported to Windoze...

Not experience at all with running Linux.

Here's the thing with Windows that a lot of people aren't thinking about.. More so, the thing about Ubuntu.

I have Ubuntu. The only thing currently running on it is DSD.

Ubuntu will install and work properly on a lot of older computers and use a lot less resources then Windows would, even older Win version on the same PC. Meaning, ubuntu gives you more bang for buck.

This app uses a lot more horsepower then you think and running it on Windows, while fine on high end windows boxes, will probably be a complete waste of time on anything "previous gen" (so to speak). Most of the "hardcores" on here, willing to do this also have old laptops or desktops sitting around just waiting to be put to work again. And I think we can all agree the best way to put an old computer to work is using Linux.

The other thing, even IF someone ports it over to Windows, you have to deal with the fact it'll be buggy initially, so upkeep and updating for new and current modulations will also be a pain. And then, if the initial porter decides to forget about the project and leaves it as it is, as is common with these types of things. It's done with and it was all a complete waste of time.

Speaking strictly for myself on this one, Windows is just a whole world of **** that it's not worth the time of anyone involved in this project to be in. Anyone skilled enough to port this code to windows, should invest their time else where into the project.


Jun 17, 2009
I thought we had a iDen it is this site:

System Name: Alliant Energy
Location: Various, WI IA IL MN
County: 106 counties
System Type: iDEN Standard
System Voice: iDEN TDMA

Is this what you want I don't really follow the power company, but can program it in and record something if it is needed.
May 6, 2010
San Jose, Costa Rica
@IowaBrian Just curious.. What front-end receiver or scanner are you using to get iDEN samples?
I believe the modulation uses Moto's M-16QAM which is technically a suppressed carrier 4xPAM subchannels.

Will you have a control channel traffic, voice traffic, or both?

That would be GREAT to examine!

Thank you,
Jose Miguel


Dec 19, 2005
Hi...just wanted to say what a great time Im having playing with this new tool (took me about a week to really get going: first time discriminator tap on my scanner, first time uduntu user, almost gave up on MotoTRBO until I found the -xr function to expect inverted data, as I thought everything might be encrypted.

Does anyone have a .wav file or .mp3 recording of a discriminator tap for a NXDN signal please that they could share (and yes I know there's no voice support yet in DSD 1.3).

Also, I've been decoding a MotoTRBO signal both live (direct scanner discrim feed) plus recording (record the discrim tap) and playing back an mp3 version of it. Ive noticed that for live decode it will only work by setting dsd to expect an inverted signal (dsd -xr). For decode of the same recorded signal, it only decodes in non-inverted mode (dsd -e). Anyone know why this may be?




May 17, 2009
MotoTRBO Decoding

Also, I've been decoding a MotoTRBO signal both live (direct scanner discrim feed) plus recording (record the discrim tap) and playing back an mp3 version of it. Ive noticed that for live decode it will only work by setting dsd to expect an inverted signal (dsd -xr). For decode of the same recorded signal, it only decodes in non-inverted mode (dsd -e). Anyone know why this may be?

Hi Jim, nice going! Were you able to decode both slots or just one?

I think it is recording the original disc tap bit stream as inverted, so you when you play it back you have to invert it again. (Please correct me anyone if I'm wrong!)

By the way, which scanner are you using?




Dec 19, 2005
>Were you able to decode both slots or just one?
Good question...I don't actually know (yet !). Ive got 3 MotoTRBO repeaters nearby, 1 of which is too far away for decode. The problem is they're all light users 9-5 working hours so i have to leave the scanner/pc running while Im out. I suspect that only one slot is being used for voice and that's what I get (whenever they actually use their radios).

Scanner wise, Ive now tapped a Yupi 7100 (took a few goes to get it right) and an Icom R2 which worked 1st time. I prefer the 7100 as I can run this 24x7 on mains (the R2 is battery only).

Ref recording what i should have mentioned is that I'm actually recording a discrim tap to an MP3 player (as well as live direct to the pc). I then copy the mp3 recording to a 2nd pc and play that back to the pc running dsd. I can't get the volumes sorted to play direct from an mp3 player to the pc running dsd. The live signal decodes as inverted, the same recorded signal only decodes an univerted !

The reason why Im so interested in recording a discrim output is that I can now go mobile with my scanner and mp3 recorder and record MotoTRBO signals for off-air decoding: I obviosuly could, but don't need to, cart my laptop running dsd around as well.



Dec 19, 2005
Can anyone help me get the -w (output speech to .wav file) working please.

Currently I run "dsd -r nameofthewavfile" and it successfully creates a wav file ok for recovered audio. However, I cannot play this wav file (I get a general stream error upon opening the file). I assume the problem occurs when closing down DSD via the command line (usually via CTRL+C) and the wav file isn't being written out properly? I am able to record and playback .amb files for the minute, and am able to record inputs ok to wav files via the sound recorder app.


(ubuntu and DSD noob btw)


Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Ubuntu On A Thumb Drive

I would suggest to anyone that is waiting for a port of this to Windows to not worry about that. Instead, consider the procedure as outlined by "Offsite" in this thread:


This was a very simple procedure to undertake and as long as you're using a computer that will boot from a USB device you're in business. I've got MBELIB, DSD, and Xoscope running on mine, and it allows to move from computer to computer and try different sound cards, which remains my biggest stumbling block with this setup (decoding in the 90%'s but still crappy audio using either a PCR1000 tap or a BC246XLT tap despite what appears to be good audio setup, but that's another issue for another post).

I am a fledgling Linux user but I will vouch for this approach, which is el cheapo and very effective. There really is no need for a Windows port when it's this easy.


Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
If you are referring to the input percentage on DSD, you want that around 40 to 50%. Adjust with the line in volume on your sound card.

Thanks, I realized that after posting and adjusted accordingly. One thing I have not tried yet is a second sound card for the audio output. After going back and reading the original thread for this software it sounds like that will be a good idea given the on-board sound cards I've been using on the various computers I'm working with.


Feed Provider
Jan 10, 2003
Autauga County, Alabama
I would suggest to anyone that is waiting for a port of this to Windows to not worry about that. Instead, consider the procedure as outlined by "Offsite" in this thread

Thank you for posting that thread!! Not have a spare computer that I could dedicate to Linux and not wanting to set up a dual boot has kept me from trying this on the local ProVoice system. Looks like I may have a project this holliday weekend :D



Feb 1, 2004
I just wanted to add another success regarding provoice, well at least with the imb files provided. [opensuse 11.2 64 bit AMD phenon quad core diamond xs71 soundcard.

If not mentioned elsewhere, the Diamond XS71 is the card to get for linux. I've run all sorts of decoders using this card. It has the 8 bit modes missing from the linux usb audio. The card is installed as a CMI8768. I've run five of these cards at a time using a PCI extender box, which is also plug and play.

I'm trying to feed dsd some audio that sox --info verifies is the right format
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 48000
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:06:51.27 = 19740864 samples ~ 30845.1 CDDA sectors
File Size : 79.0M
Bit Rate : 1.54M
Sample Encoding: 16-bit Signed Integer PCM
However, DSD says the format is not recognized when using the -r option.

BTW, death to windows. I'd hate to see this project spin it's wheels getting the program to work on all the windows flavors. Linux source code is about as universal as it gets.


Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
If not mentioned elsewhere, the Diamond XS71 is the card to get for linux. I've run all sorts of decoders using this card. It has the 8 bit modes missing from the linux usb audio. The card is installed as a CMI8768. I've run five of these cards at a time using a PCI extender box, which is also plug and play.

Are you using this card for input, output, or both? I just found one on eBay for $19.99 and ordered it for the hell of it.

I'm just not quite there with decoding audio yet. On screen display is full of info for local P25 conventional stuff. Levels are correct, three different discriminator sources, three different computers, about 6 different soundcards, none of them fancy, some on board audio, a few of the .99 USB specials, and a Soundblaster Live! 24 bit USB device just aren't quite cutting it apparently. I'll give the Diamond a whirl for that short $$.
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