I'm having a hell of a time getting DSD to work today. I don't know what's changed because I have used this computer before with my radio of choice (a PSR-800) with no problems.
I have updated my Ubuntu setup as much as I can (thru Update Manager), and have checked for the problems detailed in this thread. I don't get errors about opening /dev/audio, except when the system has just played a sound (guess it doesn't give it up right away) - wait a few seconds, restart, and it doesn't show the error any more.
The source radio is a PSR-800 with the IF output enabled, parked on a frequency outputting Provoice audio (and analog FM audio from time to time - it's part of a trunk). The IF volume is about 13-14 (out of 30), where I have had success before. The input volume on the netbook was at max and has worked that way before, but I have adjusted it so that the "static" provided by an idle IF output (no modulated signal) puts it at about 50% signal strength. I am running DSD with the following switches: -fp -w provoice-rnc14-1614000.wav
DSD is version 1.4.1. and mbelib is 1.2.3. I have even redownloaded and installed it again from the wiki page tonight. It reports, upon startup: "Setting symbol rate to 9600 / second", "Enabling only GFSK modulation optimizations.", "Decoding only ProVoice frames.", "Writing audio to file provoice-rnc14-1614000.wav", and "Audio In/Out Device: /dev/audio".
Sounds work (audio out). Sound Recorder records signals just fine (included is a clip recorded from the PSR800's IF out - there is some static owing to a less-than-perfect signal, but I am getting 5/5 bars on the scanner display). I've even tried swapping out the (audio) patch cable in case it went bad, and I've tried running DSD with root privs (using sudo). Anyone got any theories for me (
EDIT: I can't get the audio file down to the 195.6 kb limit for the forum (why is that limit so low?). I will share it with someone who wants to give a listen to it if you email/PM me. I'm also going to try a SCAT site, now that I hear that the signal may not be so strong - I think there's a SCAT site closer to me. Also some NXDN and TRBO close to me, so I can try that too, but I had similar problems with strong signals earlier this week in a different location (no recognition by DSD that any audio was coming in). I also tried piping the audio back from the recorded mp3 made in Ubuntu's Sound Recorder software, into DSD, with a patch cord - no joy again.