<code> pi@raspberrypi:~ $ dsd -i rtl:0 -o pa:1 -c 446M
Digital Speech Decoder 1.7.0-dev (build:v1.6.0-92-g290a220)
mbelib version 1.3.0
Usage: dsd [options] Live scanner mode
or: dsd [options] -r <files> Read/Play saved mbe data from file(s)
or: dsd -h Show help
Display Options:
-e Show Frame Info and errorbars (default)
-pe Show P25 encryption sync bits
-pl Show P25 link control bits
-ps Show P25 status bits and low speed data
-pt Show P25 talkgroup info
-q Don't show Frame Info/errorbars
-s Datascope (disables other display options)
-t Show symbol timing during sync
-v <num> Frame information Verbosity
-z <num> Frame rate for datascope
Input/Output options:
-i <device> Audio input device (default is /dev/audio, - for piped stdin)
-o <device> Audio output device (default is /dev/audio)
-d <dir> Create mbe data files, use this directory
-r <files> Read/Play saved mbe data from file(s)
-g <num> Audio output gain (default = 0 = auto, disable = -1)
-n Do not send synthesized speech to audio output device
-w <file> Output synthesized speech to a .wav file
-a Display port audio devices
Scanner control options:
-B <num> Serial port baud rate (default=115200)
-C <device> Serial port for scanner control (default=/dev/ttyUSB0)
-R <num> Resume scan after <num> TDULC frames or any PDU or TSDU
Decoder options:
-fa Auto-detect frame type (default)
-f1 Decode only P25 Phase 1
-fd Decode only D-STAR
-fi Decode only NXDN48* (6.25 kHz) / IDAS*
-fn Decode only NXDN96 (12.5 kHz)
-fp Decode only ProVoice*
-fr Decode only DMR/MOTOTRBO
-fx Decode only X2-TDMA
-l Disable DMR/MOTOTRBO and NXDN input filtering
-ma Auto-select modulation optimizations (default)
-mc Use only C4FM modulation optimizations
-mg Use only GFSK modulation optimizations
-mq Use only QPSK modulation optimizations
-pu Unmute Encrypted P25
-u <num> Unvoiced speech quality (default=3)
-xx Expect non-inverted X2-TDMA signal
-xr Expect inverted DMR/MOTOTRBO signal
* denotes frame types that cannot be auto-detected.
Advanced decoder options:
-A <num> QPSK modulation auto detection threshold (default=26)
-S <num> Symbol buffer size for QPSK decision point tracking
-M <num> Min/Max buffer size for QPSK decision point tracking
Report bugs to:
szechyjs/dsd </code>