Yes, but it ain't easy. You'll need the bootloader from RPM, a good programmer tracking data file for the type 7100 and a valid feature string for the radio in programmer format.
Not only is the personality format different in RPM, but so are the tracking data and feature encryption.
the details are
In order to prepare to recover radios, it is necessary to change the bootloader that ProGrammer uses to the new bootloader that is installed with RPM. Once this is done, recovery can be done. The following procedure assumes you have ProGrammer and RPM installed on the same machine. Following are the steps to prepare for recovering radios.
1. ProGrammer installs a file into the Windows directory, called Edacs4.ini. Open a Windows Explorer window and browse to the Edacs4.ini file. Right click on the file and select “Open With”, then select “Notepad”.
2. Find the line that reads “JaguarBootloader=R0R08B02.BIN”. Change the 2 to a 3 so that the line now reads: “JaguarBootloader=R0R08B03.BIN”
3. From the menu, select “File”, then select “Save”. Now exit from Notepad by clicking on the “X” in the upper right corner.
4. Copy the new bootloader file to the directory where ProGrammer will find it. If you installed RPM to the default directory, browse to the following directory “C:\Program Files\MA-COM Software Tools\Radio Personality Manager\Trans”. If you installed RPM to another directory, browse to the installed directory and then to the Trans directory below that. Select the file “R0R08B03.BIN”. Right-click on the file and select “Copy”. Now browse to “C:\Program Files\MA-COM Software Tools\ProGrammer\Trans”. Right-click anywhere on the right pane in the explorer window and select “Paste”.
5. In ProGrammer Maintenance, start the recovery procedure. Follow this procedure through writing code and dsp files. You must select R11 or earlier radio code.
When the recovery procedure asks that you put the radio in Programming mode, be sure to use the 3 button Programming mode on Portables.
6. ProGrammer will then ask if you want to erase Eeprom. Select Yes.
7. You will then be asked to select the tracking data file, followed by the feature data file. If the radio was upgraded on the same PC, the tracking data and feature data file will be in RPM’s backup dir. This dir can be found in RPM from the Tools menu, select Options and Directory Settings.
If this radio was not originally upgraded on this pc you may need to obtain tracking and feature data from TAC.
8. Return to ProGrammer (without cycling power), select a personality file, and write it to the radio.
If you are going to be using ProGrammer again to write code after this procedure, refer to Steps 1-3 and change “JaguarBootloader=R0R08B03.BIN” back to
To make this change easier, both lines can remain and a semi colon can be used to REM out the one that is not in use:
; JaguarBootloader=R0R08B03.BIN