EMSA Services To Be Paid Through Utilities
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
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HT600 said:The EMS Service in Broken Arrow is operated by the FIre Dept. Why not move it to TFD and get rid of much of the upper management to cut operating expenses. New employees would be trained as Firefighters and EMTs and Paramedics.
HT600 said:The EMS Service in Broken Arrow is operated by the FIre Dept. Why not move it to TFD and get rid of much of the upper management to cut operating expenses. New employees would be trained as Firefighters and EMTs and Paramedics.
Good! maybe then EMSA willl be able to pay their staff the salary they deserve!KD5WLX said:At $3/month times 12 months times 180,000 is $4.2 million - to supposedly fund a 2.3 mill budget.
KD5WLX said:Why? I have insurance. I can pay my own bill if the insurance won't (for whatever reason). I'm in good health and not accident prone. I'm paying taxes. That means I'm likely ALREADY paying for ambulance service 2 or 3 times over (taxes, car insurance, med insurance). I see no reason to pay a 4th time to subsidize some loser who won't pay.
Medic32 said:thats why they added the "opt out" clause into it in case you dont feel like spending 3 bucks a month
phil_smith said:We have a similar fee on our utilities for the ambulance service in Skiatook. The way it was described to me is that the monthly fee makes sure there is personnel standing by with functioning and up to date equipment 24/7 in case you need them, but you (or your insurance) will still be billed for the actual cost of transport & patient care. Is that what Tulsa is considering?