End fed random wire


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
There's a difference between codes, rules, and laws.

Breaking a law is illegal.

Breaking a rule is non-compliant.

Breaking a code is, well, that depends. The NEC, NFPA, etc., isn't going to send out the Code Police to arrest you if you violate one of their codes. On the other hand, if a state or municipality has adopted a certain code, then it becomes "law" in that jurisdiction. The building inspector can demand that you change something that does not conform to the code. The building inspector can also refuse to issue a certificate of occupancy if you put up a building or make a renovation that isn't compliant with the adopted codes. The real "enforcer", though, is your insurance company. They can choose to not pay your claim if you sustain a loss and the insurer can demonstrate that you didn't follow the adopted codes.

"Lightning struck your ungrounded 14 gauge THHN antenna wire and the resulting fire burned down your house? Ooh, sorry, we're denying your claim."

Or, worse yet, "Lightning struck your ungrounded 14 gauge THHN antenna wire that you strung across the fence to your neighbor's tree and the lightning energy exploded a tree limb that fell on your neighbor's house? Ooh, sorry, we're denying his liability claim against your home owners insurance. And, we won't defend you in court when your neighbor sues you."
My wifee was head of home insurance for 21 states and I asked if she was aware of any fire or damage claim denied due to illegal wiring or not meeting code. None was the answer.


Nov 5, 2014
Northern Wisconsin
For the low bands, 160-80-40 it will work as a decent short haul (NVIS) antenna if mounted down below its half wave height. For higher bands it can develop many nulls, so it will work, but who knows where your signal is really going. I've used them with success for regional communications on 40 and 80 meters, but you have to manage your expectations. Compared to a dipole the transmitted signal is usually much weaker.
I've used both random EFW and EFHW and they work every bit as good as a dipole. My current go-to antenna is a 130ft EFW vertical, with a switch to switch out the transformer primary, which converts it to a 1/4 wave vertical on 160. It will hit dx stations on both 80 and 160 meters that the dipole can't reach. Dipoles are great for heating dirt and making worms uncomfortable but most people can't get 'em high enough on either 80 or 160 to get a decent radiation takeoff angle and they end up being nothing but a NVIS antenna with high ground losses. A EFW only needs one support while a dipole needs two, plus the weight of the feedline hanging off the center of it.

As far as wire? Virtually anything works, including rusty barbed fence wire stetched between a couple corner post insulators, just shine it up a bit where you hook the feedline to it. The key to making a EFW work is the RF ground. If your soil type doesn't conduct RF very well, lay out some counterpoise wires from your ground rod.


A keeper of the SSB flame
Jun 30, 2024
My wifee was head of home insurance for 21 states and I asked if she was aware of any fire or damage claim denied due to illegal wiring or not meeting code. None was the answer.
No doubt she's correct, but it would suck to be the first.


May 29, 2016
Montebello, CA
Dipoles don’t “heat the dirt” any more than any other antenna that’s low to the ground. They do not require two supports (mine is held up in the center right now) and dipoles don’t use torrid made transformers that heat up and bleed off power. There is no argument at all that dipoles are more efficient. Most end feds also need a tuner and that’s more loss. While I’m sure you are satisfied with an end fed antenna the science can’t be disputed, you get more juice into the air with a properly tuned dipole.


A keeper of the SSB flame
Jun 30, 2024
There is no argument at all that dipoles are more efficient. Most end feds also need a tuner and that’s more loss. While I’m sure you are satisfied with an end fed antenna the science can’t be disputed, you get more juice into the air with a properly tuned dipole.
Well said.............