43-ft wire vertical with an SGC230 at the base. About 30 radials on the ground, length varying between 22 ft and 50 ft, An 8-ft ground rod.
I'm not saying it's ideal, and maybe wasn't my first choice, but it was practical within the constraints of my yard and used items I already had. But with it I got DXCC on all HF bands but 80M and 30M. (30M due to noisy environment, 80M because I used to have a day job and couldn't stay up all night). 100W max, CW and SSB.
When I couldn't get thru on 12 and 10M using that vertical, I had a 20'V x 70'H Inverted-L with 20 radials on the ground that often did surprisingly well on those bands, plus being good for 75M and 40M regional use.
If you can put an autotuner at the feedpoint of a wire antenna, I think what I was told years ago is worth repeating. "Put as much wire up as you can, up as high as you can".