So my grandson has a history for drug possession and he is approached by the police (LAPD) while he is listening to one of my scanners (Pro-96) in his front yard. The police officer confiscated the scanner on the grounds that possession of a scanner by an ex con is against the law. I do not believe that is true and I would like to get my scanner back. Can I get it back?
Your grandson was just listening ??? Then he got jacked.
It is a crime to use a scanner in the commission of a crime..... and Los Angeles is fine with people having scanners...
Forget the lawsuit, it would cost to much money and trust me you with lose... I would just go to the station and get it back.. I would assume there was some paperwork issued by the police when they took the scanner.
Take that in, see the watch commander if necessary and ask for it back.
In addition, it was not even his's tell them that also and I bet you might get it back.. but first and foremost keep your cool.
What division is this?