I've been putting together a list of frequencies licensed to Exelon in Penna. It's pretty extensive and covers a partly random swath from 451.025-454 MHz, and in the 463-464 MHz range. Anyone with info on specific frequency uses and CT/DCS please jump in.
I'm in West Chester, so that apparently puts me too far away to pick up their comms from TMI, Peach Bottom, or Limerick. One thing that caught my eye were the "conventional" frequencies from 507.3125-507.4625 with mobiles 3 MHz higher. Sounds good for a conversion to a UHF TRS. Any thoughts?
I'm in West Chester, so that apparently puts me too far away to pick up their comms from TMI, Peach Bottom, or Limerick. One thing that caught my eye were the "conventional" frequencies from 507.3125-507.4625 with mobiles 3 MHz higher. Sounds good for a conversion to a UHF TRS. Any thoughts?