So do your scanning habits change with the seasons? I usually take a look at my scanner banks-programs etc. evey fall and then re-vamp and prep for Fall/Winter listening. For me this usually means making sure I have all the State DOT freqs updated, city and county road crews/plows etc. I usually have a bank of school bus related freqs( Good road condition reports as they are usually out early in the A.M. and evenings.) This is also a good time to check antennas and coax feeds/lines and make sure they are good to make it thru another winter. So lets start a thread on this and have people all contribute as to what they may monitor with the seasons (esp, fall/winter) I bet there are some good ideas out there. Maybe its the crews/officials at the Seahawks games Maybe The NFL freqs. How about the Ski slopes? or winter resorts. Lets hear from ya.....