FCC Shuts Down NC Unlicensed FM Station

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Apr 26, 2008
North Carolina
By Ragan Robinson | Hickory Daily Record

Published: March 6, 2009

GRANITE FALLS NC- Folks here can't stop talking about the loss of the town's Homegrown Radio.

"Everybody's disappointed," said Dennis Bradshaw, who owns Al's Diner, where people in Granite Falls come to sip coffee and trade local news. "That was something special that Granite had.

"It's like a death in the family. That's what it meant for a lot of people. That's what it meant for me."

Homegrown Radio, broadcasting at 104.5 in and around Granite Falls, went off the air Monday because of a licensing disagreement with the Federal Communications Commission, said Eddie Jolly, the programming director.

He said an FCC agent came to the station Friday and advised him to stop broadcasting. Otherwise, he could face a $10,000 daily fine.

"We're the Davids here and we got beat up by the Goliaths," he said.

Jolly is careful not to claim the station had a FCC license but he doesn't like the term pirate radio either.

"How can a faith-based station be a pirate?" he said.

A FCC spokeswoman said Granite Falls has only one licensed station, WYCV Gospel. The FCC would not confirm or deny shutting down 104.5 or advising the station to stop broadcasting.

Jolly said Homegrown Radio, which he calls a nonprofit and non-commercial station, would go back on the air with the help of investors and the area faith community.

It will remain a low-power FM station, Jolly said.

When Homegrown Radio was on the air, it broadcast Granite Falls church services, took requests for music and played a mix of oldies and modern soft rock.

Brigetta Ledford of Hickory said she listened at home, in the car and at work at Linda's Family Hair Salon. She liked the music, and that she never had to worry there would be cursing or off-color comments for her child to hear.

She guesses she fielded 20 calls this week from people wondering what happened to 104.5. She calls it "our radio station," with an emphasis on the "our."

Bradshaw said the music was a hit with everybody in town.

"Everybody listened," he said. "It didn't have any songs with guns and anybody dying."

The FCC agent who came Friday seemed to enjoy the music, too. Jolly said the man asked him to turn up the Phil Collins song "In The Air Tonight."

Jolly said he never charged Granite Falls merchants for advertising and often broadcast public service and event announcements for the Shriners.

Ed Sheaffer, who owns PC Paramedix in downtown Granite Falls, was the recipient of some of that advertisement but said he liked that Homegrown Radio had more music than talk.

When there were mentions of local businesses, Bradshaw said they helped.

"Ever since Wal-Mart moved in, everything's centered on the highway," he said. "He was bringing people into town to see what was going on and it created business for us.

"Eddie wasn't making anything off of it. He was doing it for the people and for the town."
Reader Comments


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Like Kidd, Morgan and Teach every pirate is a thief and every pirate is a hero. Don't ask, pirate broadcasters steal frequencies, intangible theft is still theft and theft is still illegal.


Mar 21, 2009
Western NC
I wish I would have known about that station, I would have given it a listen. I live less than 10 miles south of Granite Falls. This is a LPFM station or stations near there however, 92.9 and 100.1 "THE ROCKET" I read about them in POP COMM. I do very much agree with spectrum regulation, but to own some or steal some or sale some, well thats like stealing or saleing sunlight, moonlight or wind.


Feb 24, 2001
It's funny how people get all bent out of shape over radio piracy, yet when someone posts a full copyrighted article verbatim, nobody says a word about it. This too is a form of piracy, being a copyright violation. The news agency in this case would have every right to have this article pulled from the site, or possible even worse, come after RR with a copyright violation.

Lets be careful what you post, and how you post it, less someday we might find RR shut down because of a copyright violation. This topic has been covered several times before, and is searchable.

I am outspoken on this issue, as I ran a BBS back in the 90's that users were posting complete news articles too, and the local media caught wind of it and threatened with a copyright violation lawsuit. I could have taken the offending messages down, and warned the users. Rather, I chose to shut down the entire site, because I knew that some users just wouldn't get it.

The proper way to post an article is a lead-in synopsis, followed by a link to the actual story, citing the source. Lindsey and his associates have put a lot of time into RR, and I'm pretty sure they'd be upset if some yahoo got the site shutdown because of a copyright violation.

/soapbox off
Sep 30, 2012

I remember this situation about three years ago, and after finding a reference to it here on Radio Reference, I felt I must respond.

As to the statement that a "licensing disagreement" caused homegrown radio 104.5 to "go dark" a radio term used for radio stations not currently on the air, I must say that whoever wrote this story in 2009, was just factually WRONG !

Having worked in more than half a dozen radio stations over the past 25+ years, I must say that operating a radio station on ANY frequency WITHOUT first receiving a LICENSE to operate from the Federal Communications Commission, is ILLEGAL !

If this statement is allowed to continue to be available to the WORLD via a Radio Reference blog site, it MUST be written to reflect the TRUTH and not as a CREATIVE WRITING item. The FCC publishes and makes available information showing "construction permits" filed by individuals who wish to operate a radio station. Even "LOW POWER" FM applications such as the one licensed to the 'First Adventist Church' in Morganton, NC, allowing a low-power radio station to operate at a power of 100 watts are in fact available to anyone who wishes to look on the FCC site.

What happened with homegrown radio was someone deciding to obtain "broadcast equipment" and "PICK" a frequency that appeared to be unused and start broadcasting, "WITHOUT A LICENSE"

Those of you who hold "Ham" Licenses understand all to well how important it is to keep "NON-LICENSED" operators from using the airwaves. This issue doesn't even get to the disappointment stage, since it was ILLEGAL to start with. When the original people "filed" an application to operate "WKJK" which evolved to "WYCV" they were "GRANTED" a LICENSE to CONSTRUCT and OPERATE an AM radio station on an assigned frequency of 900 kilohertz. This used to be referred to as kilocycles, but now is referred to as kilohertz. If "homegrown radio" wanted to do what the people did in the early 1960's and build and operate a "LEGAL" radio station, I am sure it could be done. But to say the ILLEGAL operation was forced off the air due to a "licensing agreement" is just FALSE.

I have contacts with the FCC, and I know several "enforcement officers" who spend most of their time looking for illegal radio stations. Some result in thousands of dollars in fines, as well as having broadcast equipment confiscated. In this case, in 2009, several LICENSED radio stations received complaints of interference from some unknown broadcaster from listeners and after investigating, reported it to the FCC. This resulted in at least one enforcement official visiting the Granite Falls area, and upon finding the location of an illegal radio station, told those in attendance to "STOP BROADCASTING NOW" IMMEDIATELY !!!

Radio Broadcasting involves a "large" investment of money, and must be preserved by operators being licensed. This has been the norm since 1934 when the Federal Communications Commission was given authority to enforce radio, tv, and various other transmissions by the US Congress. Imagine what kind of MESS we would have if EVERYONE just decided to buy broadcast equipment and start a radio station when the mood hit 'em. The United States currently has about 9,000 LICENSED radio stations. Even 1 ILLEGAL radio station will "spoil the pot" for everyone.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Getting an LPFM license isn't that hard. There is a guy here in the town where I live that REALLY likes Hawaiian music. He likes it so much he started his own LPFM station. It's been running for a few years, all legal and above board. I can't understand why these guys do this stuff, risk the fines and losing their equipment rather than file the paper work and do it right. I really don't have any sympathy for these guys.

The city I work in has a pirate station. The city council has openly supported it several times. The FCC has busted them a few times too. Problem is, the spectrum is pretty full, so they just pick a frequency and go for it. Of course they use cheap gear and it splatters all over adjacent stations. They whine about how it isn't right that they have to get a license. Such a waste....
Sep 30, 2012


Your post is right on the money !

Back in 2009, I could not locate the spot where this discussion was going on, but as a broadcaster myself for over 25 years, I full well understand why rules and the FCC exist. If everyone wanted to "hook-up" and start a radio station without a license, what would happen then ? These people who feel they have some sort of "right" to bypass the step of applying for and being granted a license, should step back and realize what would happen without enforcement from the FCC, to make broadcasters behave and follow broadcasting guidelines. Even Ham radio operators "police" themselves and turn in offenders who feel they have some "right" to operate broadcasting equipment without authorization. When the "homegrown radio" folks started in 2008, they should have realized what they were doing was WRONG and ILLEGAL regardless of how many listeners enjoyed what they heard on 104.5 !

My issue with the last report posted by "homegrown radio" being shutdown due to a "licensing disagreement" was at best a LIE ! How can there be a dispute, when the person responsible doesn't hold a VALID license to operate a transmitter ?

It is hard to believe that in 2008 and today, people out there seem to feel "entitled" to operate a radio station without benefit of being properly licensed. It seems to me to be the same thinking of those who feel getting a driver's license is not important, and driving is some sort of "right" when in reality it is a privilege based on one meeting certain requirements set forth by the state or the government that "permits" the operation of a motor vehicle, or, operating a radio station.




I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
The "reference" you found and decided to post about is dated March of 2009.

And what is the issue with that? This is a discussion board, we are having a discussion. If you don't want to participate, then don't. I have not seen any rules that says we are not allowed to discuss post that are over a certain age. If there is such a rule, I'd appreciate seeing a link to it.
Sep 30, 2012

And what is the issue with that? This is a discussion board, we are having a discussion. If you don't want to participate, then don't. I have not seen any rules that says we are not allowed to discuss post that are over a certain age. If there is such a rule, I'd appreciate seeing a link to it.

I do not have a problem with having a discussion, but when the original post from 2009 is based on out and out LIES !! that is what I have a problem with. The original post stated the "homegrown radio station" was forced off the air due to a licensing disagreement, which is not true since the station had not been granted a "LICENSE" to operate to start with. If you tell someone you got a ticket from an officer due to a license disagreement, they usually will ask, WHAT ?

The post was wrong and not based on fact. If you are not granted a license to operate a radio station, ANY radio station whether it is 1 watt or 100,000 watts, you are NOT LEGALLY PERMITTED to transmit using broadcast equipment not approved for operation. If the original post had stated, "homegrown radio" was forced off the air due to not having a "LEGAL RIGHT GRANTED BY THE FCC" to operate, it would have been much more accurate.

Discussions are one thing, and LIES are another entirely.


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
The "reference" you found and decided to post about is dated March of 2009.

And what is the issue with that? This is a discussion board, we are having a discussion. If you don't want to participate, then don't. I have not seen any rules that says we are not allowed to discuss post that are over a certain age. If there is such a rule, I'd appreciate seeing a link to it.
I was not addressing you, I was addressing the person I quoted.

radioannouncer: I just approved another of your posts for this topic, I don't plan on doing it again, please post in the actual forums where real topics are discussed until your moderation time is past.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Oh dear, a noob needs a reality check so please excuse my nose.

"I do not have a problem with having a discussion, but when the original post from 2009 is based on out and out LIES !! that is what I have a problem with."

The horse is long dead so you really don't need to Frankenstein it in light of the fact we realize neither reporters nor editors from the Hickory Daily Record to the New York Times have the least bit of knowledge or understanding technical or legal issues and most have no sense at all. The more you read the more you know that they DON'T know what they're talking about.

From the 60s and 70s when pirate radio ruled the air:
"We're all bozos on the bus so relax and enjoy the ride."
Wavy Gravy
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