"Feedback" needed on audio level quality

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Jan 22, 2005

Sorry for the too corny pun, but I really do need
-->"Feedback" needed on audio level quality of new feed (my first net feed).

I am not trying to promote, just need some opinions of the volume level and how bad the squelch
"thump" is. I am sure others can help, and I am working on several options.

The feed: Rutherford County Sheriff Dispatch Live Scanner Audio Feed

The scanner: PRO 43
Antenna: RS magmount on an empty AC metal cover as ground plane, location 2nd floor.
ScannerCast v0.13 (1224) 16 bit mono
C-media sound card, mono RS airplane adaptor into mini jack stereo cable.

The "thump" is worse with higher volumes (duh?) so I have it set moderate.
I need opinions on the level. Is it usable and anywhere near RR standards.


Jan 22, 2005

So should I try to bring it up just a bit?
I think the thump is more when I amp up the low volume feed as opposed to the actual input.


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, U.S.A.

So should I try to bring it up just a bit?
I think the thump is more when I amp up the low volume feed as opposed to the actual input.

God bless ya for trying to use a PRO-43 for your feed. I have 2 of them and they are sitting in a pile unused now, thankfully. Their squelch THUMP is really pronounced. Your feed sounds acceptable, I wouldn't worry about it too much. That's great that you have a use for them, what with everything going trunked and digital.

The secret with the PRO-43 is to adjust its volume a bit louder (within reason) and turn down the line input level on the feed computer. I found that the squelch thump comes out of the scanner at a fixed level so you need to get the desired speech audio relatively louder than the thump. Just be careful not to overdrive your feed computer.

Here's a great VU level meter for setting up your feed. Don't red line on the audio peaks, keep it dancing below about -2dB and you should do fine. Listeners can turn it up if they need it louder.

Digital VU Level Meter



Jan 22, 2005
Thanks Bote,

I have that exact db meter on the feed computer...got it from the wiki I think.

Yes the Pro43 is not quite state of the art, it was my first scanner. I have 2 of them and one pos Pro44.
They work fine for the local UHF with a decent antenna. I actually prefer that thump to my 246's white noise squelch release, at least when not going thru a sound card. The 43's have been providing steady monitoring in the garage and kitchen for years. Not very demanding 460.200 & 460.375. When set to scan those 2 channels only not too bad.

I guess I should get some base units, but still looking at that 5bill BCD396XT as my next scanner. That should free up at least 1 246 as a feed provider if I can tweak the squelch or mod it to be better.

Thanks for the "feedback" that is pretty much what I have done and it seems ok on my computers.
I had the sub hooked up on the feed computer and that HAD TO GO!


Jan 22, 2005
The request still stands, but the feed has been upgraded to a BCT15X for left & BC246T right for EMS & Fire. If the Arrow OSJ 155/460 antenna on the MPD feed turns out as perfect as I hope it will may order another.
(155/460){actual freqs 154.9800/ 460.375} mounted inside upstairs on a nice heavy base lamp post my kids(25&30) destroyed years ago, using 15' LM400. Wow too bad I can't transmit! {not on THOSE freqs!!!}

What are opinions on splitting all Murfreesboro & Rutherford FIRE - EMS to a seperate feed and having only RCSO & MPD on their respective feeds??

Maybe I should move this to the Tennessee thread where I have 3's of listeners.

But....I digress.......which reminds me of the time........
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