. Yes, not encrypted and legal to listen to irregardless. 73, n9zasI s'pose babies aren't involved but the monitors are still inside someone's home.
. Yes, not encrypted and legal to listen to irregardless. 73, n9zasI s'pose babies aren't involved but the monitors are still inside someone's home.
Care to explain that? 73, n9zasAnd if the signal gets weak, you can always put your ear up against a glass against the wall.
If you read above, AGAIN baby monitors can be used for other purposes, such as room monitors or remote scanner monitors. Babys are not part of the reason for this thread. :wink: 73, n9zas
You're not understanding, and apparently it is beyond my ability to explain it in a way you can (or will) understand.
Simply put, the ECPA as amended in 1994 makes it illegal to monitor cordless phone frequencies unless it's your phone you are using.
The legal concept is that you have a reasonable expectation of privacy when using such devices which is why the law was passed in the first place.
I'm not saying I agree with the law, but it is the law that exists.
Reference: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/part-I/chapter-119
yep, probably because no one feels like arguing with you. Federal law is just that, the law. Whether you misinterpret what it means or not, the rest of us don't seem to have any problem understanding it. Listening to cordless phones is illegal, room monitors are not. Enough said. :roll: 73, n9zasSure is quiet now.
Sure is quiet now.
Listening to cordless phones is illegal, room monitors are not. Enough said. :roll: 73, n9zas
. READ the notations in the owners manuals to any room monitor, " There is no expectation of privacy when using those devices" and there certainly is NOT. These devices are used at your own discretion with NO legal protection. Wireless/ cordless phones ARE federally protected by FEDERAL law, trumping anything Georgia might have in their statutes. I'm pretty certain that's easy to comprehend. 73, n9zasAny conversations in a home are considered private, just as private as cordless phone conversations.
Again, YOU are responsible for the decision to use that device or not. IF you do, YOU accept the FACT that you might be monitored by anyone like it or not. Its all on you if you're monitored on a unprotected device. Don't use one if you don't agree, there's your option. The owners papers with these devices explain that.It has nothing to do with the monitor. It has to do with the what's being broadcast on the monitor that's taking place inside the home and the state has the authority to protect that.