Well the build of the IC-R8600 is far better than the 5700D just look at the scope however when it comes to what digital modes it receives the 5700D wins hands down .
It should be interesting to see what they say about the radio going deaf .But they made it very clear that they will not accept the report from the local independent communications pmr workshop because in there words " There not on the AOR approved test/service centres list. " So they will change the rules to sort themselfs .
But any one thinking of buying a 5700D should wait until this radio is more stable and since all repairs go to Japan the warranty should be 24 months and not just 12 because when my radio went to Japan twice before it took a total of 6 months or they reopen there service centries across the world like they did before .
But looking at the DV1 + DV10 facebook sites they are still having problems with these radios and the DV1 came out back in 2015 and the DV10 in 2018 . Not every DV1 or DV10 has problems but a few like me with the 5700D . But the only way forward in my case is change out the radio or just give me a refund .
At the moment on the facebook AOR 5700D we have 9 owners of 5700D a few of them have reported the odd cpu crash but nothing like what I am getting so you might get lucky .As for buying from asia yes its much cheaper when I was looking I contact a few companys and found the best deals were from Hong Kong + Singapore and yes a few are selling it from Japan . If the radio does have problems you may find it has to be returned to the seller . But yes its was about £1200 - £1300 cheaper . Which brings me to seller on ebay with the ID
germangir2001 this seller claims to be in Singapore and I did buy a 5700D from him only to have him cancel the purchase 7 days later for no reason ? In doing more research this seller is not in Singapore but in Russia .
So good luck to any one buying a 5700D but its like playing russian roulette at the moment .