There seems to be a problem with some software not importing right because of this.
Where it should be listed as NFM.
Where it should be listed as NFM.
Have you contacted the software authors?
There seems to be a problem with some software not importing right because of this.
Where it should be listed as NFM.
I don't think he is saying that the DB has "NFM" in it anywhere, I think he is saying that whatever software he is using is not assigning NFM (in his radio) based on the "FMN" entry in the DB.That's rather interesting. Then the obvious question is how NFM got in there in the first place. ...
As Chauffeur6 says, this has been the entry since the beginning of Radio Reference, it has always been "FMN" so I don't think there are any "NFM" entries in the DB.The RR database format is "FMN" and has been that way for years.
Exactly which software are you having trouble with, and what county/agency are you trying to download that's giving you an error?
Correct, it sets it to FM.I don't think he is saying that the DB has "NFM" in it anywhere, I think he is saying that whatever software he is using is not assigning NFM (in his radio) based on the "FMN" entry in the DB.
As Chauffeur6 says, this has been the entry since the beginning of Radio Reference, it has always been "FMN" so I don't think there are any "NFM" entries in the DB.
Correct, it sets it to FM.
You still haven't answered the question: What is "it"? What software program? What county?
You still haven't answered the question: What is "it"? What software program? What county?
FreeSCAN, Carter County, Kentucky (KY) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference, The E911 Center frequencies.
They go to the radio as FM.
I think I should have stayed quit about this subject.
They go to the radio as FM.
I think I should have stayed quit about this subject.
I agree with Lou, if you think there's an issue, speak up and let us try to help you figure it out.
The downloading into FreeSCAN went just fine...2 FM and 10 NFM imported from the database, no problems there.
I then uploaded the system to my BC346XT (the handheld version of the BCT15X) and, as expected, I see 2 FM and 10 NFM frequencies.
Everything went fine on my end, I'm unable to reproduce the issue you're having. It would probably be helpful to have someone with a BCT15X see if they are having the same issue.
It goes without saying to make sure your scanner has the latest firmware and that you are using the latest version of FreeSCAN.
Just to verify, after downloading into FreeSCAN, do those 10 frequencies appear as NFM? It's the transfer to the scanner that seems to be the issue?