wannabescannist said:
what restrictions does CARMA place on users? serious question, I'm curious.
Ted already posted the CARMA List rules, check a few messages up for that.
Basically we don't allow intereference with Public Safety Agencies, copyright abuse, flame wars or off-topic posts.
Some files that were of no real use to scannists were removed from the Yahoo List Files Section a while back (before Yahoo increased the available file space) since they were taking up valuable space and we were running out. We even had to open a second Yahoo Group specifically to hold files until Yahoo increased available file space on our main group.
We have agreed with people from MABAS and other mutual aid organizations to not publish the actual content of MABAS box cards, they serve no real purpose having them on our sites. We also cooperated with a couple state agencies to edit information that was of no need for scannists that they considered sensitive.
Since our friend brought it up, let me tell you a little story: I received calls from a couple fire chiefs a couple years ago. Seems someone had emailed and called thier agencies claiming to represent CARMA, requesting all kinds of detailed information, specifically MABAS and local run cards, assignment maps and response codes. Since these Chief's knew me directly, knew about CARMA or were referred to me by others thru MABAS, they asked me about it. We investigated and found that it was our friend here and he was then advised not to solicit information like this at all, and specifically not in the name of CARMA. We removed the run cards that he had already posted to the CARMA group and smoothed things over with MABAS and the fire chiefs.
Some of the other files that our friend is upset about are files that are already easily available from public websites, like those zoning maps, and really don't need to be in a scanner club files section. Post a link in the Links section, let folks know where they can find them, that's great, but otherwise it is just taking up space and aren't getting updated when the original file does. At the time Yahoo had a limit of 20 MB and when that limit was reached we saw that 12 MB were suburban Zoning maps that we really didn't need. We deleted them and reclaimed more than half the available space.
We have had a problem with other lists and websites copying the various CARMA Profiles and databases. When the Profiles were on our Yahoo system (thus only available to CARMA members) we started seeing them pop up on other lists and websites. The problem is that we did a lot of work on these Profiles and databases and the ones on other sites are not updated as the original ones are. We then moved the Profiles to a public website and asked that they link to the original file insead so that the viewer is assured they would see the latest version.
We have even seen some of our Profiles with the CARMA name and logo stripped out and another title inserted show up on other websites and groups. Our entire Firetone database was copied over to another list and they have refused to remove it after being asked.