My G4 suddenly lost reception of my local system. I have 5 other county systems that are still all OK. I have 4 scanners, a Relm P800 that are all still receiving fine. It is a Phase 1 system that has always worked perfectly. I have run Pro96com from another scanner and nothing has changed that I can tell.
CCs are all the same, NAC is the same. I have tried the FF entry for RFSS and Site with no change. I have reprogrammed, reverted back to a previous FW and everything I have done makes no difference. It just goes to (Out of Range) and sits there. I change to a neighboring county and all is well. I know this is a weird one, but hoped someone had an idea. It would not be so bad if it was another county I rarely listen to. !!
CCs are all the same, NAC is the same. I have tried the FF entry for RFSS and Site with no change. I have reprogrammed, reverted back to a previous FW and everything I have done makes no difference. It just goes to (Out of Range) and sits there. I change to a neighboring county and all is well. I know this is a weird one, but hoped someone had an idea. It would not be so bad if it was another county I rarely listen to. !!