Brunswick post dispatches for all the coastal counties along the I-95 corridor (Camden to Chatham) through the SEGARRN and Glynn County TRS primarily, although they have access to the VHF frequencies as well and occasionally use them also.
The troopers who work out of the Brunswick and Jekyll posts have their own TGs on the Glynn County TRS, this is the main radio system they use, although they have access to the Hinesville and Rincon post TGs as well on the SEGARRN, in addition to the VHF band.
Bottom line, next time you travel through the area here is what you need to monitor for GSP if that is all your interest ed in, and mainly pay attention to the TRS's but scan the others as well. Also monitor the local law enforcement frequencies, both county and city agencies, as they have access to those as well and often pop up without warning on them from time to time:
Glynn County TRS:
TG 5904 - GSP Brunswick
TG 5968 - GSP Jekyll
TG 5936 - GSP Car-Car
TG 12877- GSP Hinesville
TG 1101 - GSP Rincon
154.680 GSP Base-Car
154.800 GSP Car-Base
160.035 DNR Repeater (P25) NAC 167 (Troopers use this alot when they are out of range of TRS, particularly in southern Camden County)
765.4375 GSP Extender/Mobile Repeater 1, PL156.7
773.0375 GSP Extender/Mobile Repeater 2, PL156.7 (Main one in use on most of the cars in the area)