Get Ready for "Illegal Fireworks" calls tomorrow!!

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P25 TruCking!
Mar 15, 2008
Should be dark in the US in a few hours, here in the northeast it will be dark in about 3 hours...
Can't wait for the calls to roll in

Post the crazy stuff that you hear


Nov 27, 2007
Startex, SC
There were calls being dispatched all night long for gunshot calls, grass and brush fires, drunks fighting, even one guy called in wanting the police to give him a ride home because his friends put him out of the car. It will probably be more busy tonight.


Dec 19, 2002
Kern County, CA
As I get ready to head out and do the stand by for the pro shot fireworks display here, one of the few that is still hand shot, it is after that it gets bad. We are not that far from the NV state line and there is no boarder check. I have been on too many fires started by illegal fireworks (state of CA that is anything that dose not have the state fire marshalls seal) and legal fire works. This is the one day of the year where yow have to be an ass to the public. Why? 1-They are breaking the law, 2-99% of the people who have the illegals have drank way too much, so they really know what they are doing. 3- you get the why are you busting me everyone has them, well you were the smart one to fire them off when the the big white truck with the blue stripe and the red lights was in front of your house. Have a safe 4th everyone and rember the ones who are working while you are not.


Dec 17, 2005
Grand Lake St. Marys Ohio
Same over here in PA. It's illegal for a PA resident to have them, but it's perfectly fine to sell them in the Commonwealth.. Somehow everyone still gets them :roll:

Its really hard to tell on the 4th which state fireworks are illegal in while looking around, they are going off everywhere. Its once a year, let em have their fun as long as its done in a safe manner. Had a good laugh last nite, as a crew here in my hometown has a 4th party and they have a nice display. There isnt a in town display, however there are other towns on both sides of us that have festivals and nice displays. Right after dark they start theirs, and the party they have has increased in people for years, as they started to set them of we went up to a local carryout parking lot, and I pulled into to park and watch the show, behind the building was a local PD car watching the show also. We chatted a few minutes and with more and more cars stopping and gathering to watch, he said I better get out here before someone complains. Wasnt 2 minutes and someone called in a complaint and the dispatcher gave it to him. He advised the dispatcher that there were hundreds of cars around and no one else was complaining and seemed to be peacefully enjoying the show, however he would make contact as soon as he could make it thru the traffic to get there. Kinda funny that they had one complaint and the complainant had the name and address of where the show was. Just guessing but it was probably one person that couldnt behave and was told not to come back to the party. Nothing but his farm fields for a good distance all the way around the show. Needless to say by the time the officer made it to the party the fireworks were done.:D Moral of the story the " Show must go on":D.........Happy Fourth Hoser


Premium Subscriber
Jan 23, 2003
Yorktown, Virginia
Its really hard to tell on the 4th which state fireworks are illegal in while looking around, they are going off everywhere. Its once a year, let em have their fun as long as its done in a safe manner. ...
Moral of the story the " Show must go on":D.........Happy Fourth Hoser

I tend to agree with not knowing which State allows private fireworks and which doesn't.

But we all also know that a goodly percentage of the people setting off fireworks are so drunk or moronic, they would have a difficult time telling which end of the roman candle to light.

I recall riding home from my cities local fireworks one July 4th. Had the scanner going and I knew the city was working a major (wound up being a three alarm fire) apartment fire. On the way home I rode by a house where folks were setting off fire works from INSIDE their garage.

BTW, the apartment complex fire was caused by (do I REALLY need to say what???) illegal fireworks. Seems a rocket set off in the parking lot landed on the roof of an adjoining building. That building was gutted and four or five families lost everything.


P25 TruCking!
Mar 15, 2008
Surprisinly here in upstate NY, there wasnt many fireworks calls. Just a bunch of teenagers blowing each other up every now and then. and someone complaning that their horses were scared becasue of the noise. mostly the cops dont care as everyone is having fun.

Last year a kid blew off his hand with a homemade pyro bomb, he altered one of then and had his hand go up in the air higher than the fireworks lol. Now his parents are sueing their sons friends and parents for letting him do it.. lol sue crazy


Oct 1, 2005
Lake County, Ohio
Things were pretty quiet here in NE Ohio last night.

Last year, a Cleveland Firefighter went nuts and shot 5 neighbors (killed 2) for shooting off fireworks.

SO, this year all the local politicians chanted the "we're cracking down on illegal fireworks" rant for the past few weeks.

Must have worked, because I never heard so many fireworks commercials on the radio as I have this year.

Personally, I think fireworks should be legal on the 4th of July. I really enjoyed them as a kid. My son is only 2, so perhaps in a few years I'll be one of the calls we hear on the scanner July 4th.........


Feb 24, 2001
Here in Phoenix they wouldn't respond to any fireworks calls.. they only broadcast them. It was wayy to busy to be assigning units bogus calls like that..they would have been holding until the next mid day (like many other calls were)..because of how busy it was - a burglary report was holding for 14 hours before an officer responded..



Mar 9, 2008
Bensalem, PA
But we all also know that a goodly percentage of the people setting off fireworks are so drunk or moronic, they would have a difficult time telling which end of the roman candle to light.

Yeah, when I lived in Los Angeles I went to a July 4th party and pretty much every house on the block was setting them off safely (ground fireworks only, nothing airborne) with the exception of the house directly across from my location. Needless to say that didn't go well.. My friend's grandfather nearly got hit by several rockets, and a couple landed on his roof. He was not a happy camper :lol: Luckily he, and the house, were both ok. (Never seen a 50 or 60 something year old move so fast :lol:)


Jul 13, 2007
Berryville, VA
Any "explosive" fireworks are illegal in Georgia, but law enforcement doesn't usually take any action against anyone unless someone complains or is being dangerous and/or stupid. They've got better things to do than hunt down someone with a bunch of bottle rockets or firecrackers.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2008
Eastern Connecticut
Wasnt listening much on the 5th when they were setting off the Town's public display,(was busy Partying ) but late at night there were a few domestics etc. Y'know the type.... they have restraining orders but still live together and when the spouse gets sauced, out comes the restraining order.

Also lots of B&E activity on the 5th also during the public show. I guess the badguys figured out that half the citizens and all the towns cops would be at the events.

damn shame, but everyone around me had a great, albeit quiet (for once) time. We left the herd of Blastoffasauruses in the garage. Save'em for Superbowl ;)
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