Well, I picked up a pair of the bubblepacks MR356R. While I'm awaiting my GMRS license I just did a test with my father and it picked up all around my town. Pretty cool. Does anyone know the real wattage output of these things?
I also took a pair of 5watt portable VHF radios and did a test around town and they did not produce the same results as the above bubblepacks. Hitting the same spots the VHF was real weak if not unreadable. So, if we go with a license for VHF we will need a repeater plus all the costs involved. MURS, unless we use an external antenna will probably not work however it will be the least expensive, so I'm gonna purchase a pair of them that the antennas can be removed and I'll play with that idea. The GMRS would work however, the licensing expense for 10 people is too expensive, so that is out except for my family usage unless the FCC changes something.
I also took a pair of 5watt portable VHF radios and did a test around town and they did not produce the same results as the above bubblepacks. Hitting the same spots the VHF was real weak if not unreadable. So, if we go with a license for VHF we will need a repeater plus all the costs involved. MURS, unless we use an external antenna will probably not work however it will be the least expensive, so I'm gonna purchase a pair of them that the antennas can be removed and I'll play with that idea. The GMRS would work however, the licensing expense for 10 people is too expensive, so that is out except for my family usage unless the FCC changes something.