cpunut said:
Here is an idea to try with DSP U0.2 that I think would help the team out a bit....
- Those that are having trouble with DSP U0.2, but found that DSP F1.0 worked okay, go into the PGM, Func-Glob super expert menu and scroll down to "Noise Thresh". Increase the number to a value of lets say "50". This will allow the DSP to stay tracking on a noisy signal. This might help. The liability of increasing the number above the default is that it is more likely the radio will stay on a channel after a valid transmission ends. However this is a good test.
I was about to try this suggestion. In my previous post I had stated that I had reverted back to DSP 1.0 from 0.1 and kept CPU 0.1 and my reception problems on Idaho 700 MHz P25 were fixed. Later I also reverted back to CPU 1.0.
So today I reloaded DSP 0.2 with CPU 1.0 to try the above suggestion. And lo and behold reception seemed really good with CPU 1.0 and DSP 0.2--none, or at least very few of the problems I had before.
So, could it be the combination of CPU 0.1 and DSP 0.1 or 0.2 and not just the DSP upgrade??
Next I loaded CPU 0.1 -- not the order recommended in the instructions. So now with CPU 0.1 and DSP 0.2 the reception is much better than yesterday. But CPU 0.1 still has a tendency to stop on a transmission but not pick up on the audio for several seconds even on stronger signals - worse than with CPU 1.0 and DSP 0.2. (I hope what I said makes sense)
I then tried increasing the noise threshold to 60 from 20 - no improvement noticed, but no degradation either.
In any case, the problems I had yesterday are much improved today, although I am not sure why. Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated. I'll continue observing with CPU0.1 and DSP 0.2 and see how it goes.
EDIT 1 - I was using WIN 500 to upload so maybe this is the unknown factor (As just posted by Don Starr)
EDIT 2 - WIN 500 corruption was not my problem. i have discovered that earlier in the day I get better reception on distant signals (higher humidity?). When my reception is better the upgrades work OK, but as the distant signal gets weaker the upgrades do not work. I found that the CC decode rate for the distant transmitter site went from >85% when I first posted this morning to 45% to 85% and highly variable about 3 hors later. This was all with CPU 0.1 & DSP 0.2. So I reverted to CPU 1.0 but kept DSP 0.2 with essentially no improvement.
Next I reverted to DSP 1.0, so now with CPU 1.0 and DSP 1.0, I am receiving all transmissions. Decode rate on the same distant site is now consistently 85% - 95% where befor it was highly variable and inconsistent.
My conclusion is that DSP 1.0 and CPU 1.0 do a much better job of decoding weak control channels and thus don't miss the transmissions that DSP 0.2 and CPU 1.0 do.