A Bit More On AC Charger & Thanks To All For Help
First, let me thank everyone most sincerely for all the help and answers to my dumb questions. Sure has helped me a lot, and I certainly appreciate it.
Great Forum, and great folks.
Would like to just share some additional thoughts I have on the AC Adapter.
I'm a retired engineer, and I certainly don't consider myself an expert on this subject, or on anything for that matter, but I have designed lots of electronic gadgets and circuits over the years. Generally, it has always been my opinion that it is never a good idea to expect a "load" to drag down a power supply or source to the correct voltage.
The applicable term is usually power supply stiffness.
An example, perhaps, would be when you plug a lamp into a household wall socket.
The open circuit voltage would differ from the voltage measured on the socket with the lamp on by a trivial amount. That is because, of course, the house has probably at least a 150 amp feed, and the 1 or 2 amps that the lamp pulls is trivial. The power supply (source) from the electric company is truly "stiff'.
Still surprised that the charger AC no load voltage is as high as 13.2 V.
GRE really shouldn't expect users to remember a sequence for plugging in and out, in my opinion. If there is a danger if done wrong, as their manual certainly implies, a "good" design would protect against this.
Oh well, back to trying to understand this "latest and greatest" toy.
Thanks again for help,
Originally Posted by BOBRR
I measured the open-circuit Adapter voltage with a digital VON.
Was 13.2 Volts dc Wow !
"As far as I know that's normal behavior for ANY open circuit. Fundamental electric principles....."