Greetings Radiogods

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Jan 16, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
ridgescan said:
Nice that you know him- I don't. I came here because of my passion for radios and he wasted no time in coming at me like a punk! Did he do that to you too? Well, enough said. I will heed your wise advice and join you in tolerating "Warren's humor"...on to better stuff-thanks 187--
Warren can be a bit much sometimes.

For that reason, he is on my ignore list.


Retired, but somehow working harder now...
Premium Subscriber
Mar 24, 2006
Coconut Creek, FL

I must be just as bad, because I got the humor in the sarcasm IMMEDIATELY, and LMAO! Anyway, welcome to RR, and please don't hesitate to ask AND answer questions.


Jul 27, 2007
Ames, IA
Don't let Warren get to you he's just who he is. We seem to get along fine, he actually accepts me for who I am. His sense of humor is just that just as mine is well mine.
He's a good guy once you understand where he coming from, New Jersey.


Apr 1, 2008
San Francisco, Ca.
Thank all of you for your responses I appreciate it. I've been enjoying the forum in spite of him. Hey Jerri-I've never seen an off-the -back antenna like that's it working 4 ya? Looks pretty potent.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Ridge, there are two things you need if you want to survive the internet forums, a skin and a sense of humor. Nobody's being nasty, least of all me. I'm a *****cat and RR is a weak cup of tea so use this as your training ground. The sharks on other forums would eat you alive with some of the tempting comments you posted so be forewarned, if you can't take the heat there are kitchens far hotter.

I welcomed you and I meant it not with drool on my lip but with hand extended in greeting. Just consider yourself initiated, it could have been worse for you in Brooklyn. Sorry you misunderstood some of my remarks, you DID walk right into them and if you change your perspective from the defensive and see them from a detached angle dispassionately you just may see the humor.

I waited until the votes were in before telling you this so you could see for yourself there's only one who ignores me, the others simply take me with the proverbial grain of salt. I'm pretty good at what I do and have some good help and information for you if you're willing to sift through a load of BS to find it, right guys?

"I've been enjoying the forum in spite of him." (;->)

Post edit;
The forum word filter doesn't like cats, that wasn't a bad word.
Last edited:


Jul 27, 2007
Ames, IA
ridgescan said:
Thank all of you for your responses I appreciate it. I've been enjoying the forum in spite of him. Hey Jerri-I've never seen an off-the -back antenna like that's it working 4 ya? Looks pretty potent.

It's decent for my purposes, it's really nothing more than a 1/4 wave ground plane cut for 800-900 MHz. It works as well as any duckie I have including the Antenex 1/2 wave 800MHz I use on most of my handhelds.
MY Ham HT's use Diamond S/RH77CAs


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Hi again,

Jerri, Ridge may get some worthwhile info out of this as well as I so here's an Antenex Tuf Duck question. You mentioned a half wave duckie so is it the dipole or the end fed model?

Just for general info; I forgot who makes a ground plane you can put on a portable, I have a head like a sieve. It's not good for portable use unless you want to poke yourself and damage the antenna and/or the portable's connector but it's great for fixed station use. The half wave dipole is it's equivalent electrically and the worst you can do is poke your eye out if you're some kind of stupid. (;->)

The end fed I imagine exhibits some slight signal gain but is of dubious advantage considering cross polarization losses. Yes, when waves especially at such high frequencies bounce around in an urban environment they can arrive at the antenna at just about any angle or combination thereof. Anyway, under most circumstances an end fed half wave would give a slight advantage and on 800MHz (and the new 700MHz) band you need all the advantage you can get.

Ridge, looks can be deceiving and if you hang around here long enough you'll learn just enough to be dangerous. (;->)


Jul 27, 2007
Ames, IA
I would believe it's an end fed some of the Ads have said it uses an elevated feed point.
Here is a decent review of it
The ground plane is made by Max Systems, I can't find a website for the manufacturer but they used to make them in 2M and 70cm versions. My mother had used them on her packet station back in NYC.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Hi again,

The Tuf Duck comes in two models, the EXE is the coaxial dipole and the EXP is the end fed half wave. As near as I can tell by the pictures the dipole is pretty obvious by the thick bottom half that encloses the sleeve while the end fed I would guess has a 1/4 wave helical delay line buried in the base. That makes it an electrical 3/4 wave which has a 52 ohm feed impedance while the dipole being center fed half wave would be 75 ohms. Either way the transmitter doesn't care, good enough for government work as they say.

Now if you tell us which one you use we can tie the ribbons on this thread and readers can draw their own conclusions.

I can understand why the Max 70cM and 2M ground planes were discontinued, not only big and clumsy but the MSRP vs. zero cost would make them rather unpopular. I say zero because I can slap one together with a couple of junk box connectors and 14ga solid copper wire in a few minutes. The only reason the 800MHz one sells is because the average scanner enthusiast is anything but technically knowledgeable. Yeah, that's why they ask questions here and if they all get together and ask me at once how to build one we'll put Max out of business. (;->)

Packet eh? There are several BBS nodes in the NYC metro area and being critically located they link to NNY, CT, LI WNJ and CNJ, then NJ2AR links to SNJ and SEPA. Yeah, I know NEBBS, I've been active since 1995 and NJ2AR is my home BBS. Oh, for the non amateur packet is our radio internet and a BBS is what you're posing on right here.


Dec 19, 2002
East Brunswick, NJ
Welcome to the hobby and to Please remember that we often tease the heck out of each other from time to time. Lighten up, relax, and enjoy the laugh with the rest of us. Its all among friends - both old and new. We really do like each other and we welcome new members to our midst. 73 de Bruce, KC2PBJ


Apr 1, 2008
San Francisco, Ca.
Hey Bruce Warren and certainly not least, Jerri. Good advice Bruce, well taken here. Warren you're right about my being defensive. I was with ya 'till the obey thing-that rattled me. Just wanna move on ok? I hope we can 73s Hey Jerri I love that photo!! I dunno what it is about that antenna-it's so animated!


Jul 27, 2007
Ames, IA
They are the EXE ones there is the end to that.
The Max antennas were picked up at the Hall Of Science Hamfest in Queens in the early 90s
I know that my mother used the MAARC packet node, I really wasn't into packet. It funny she used an IBM PS/2 that she got from one of the Techs fron the NYPD radio shop. Didn't have any hard drive totally floppy driven. I remember if had a bunch of discs with it, one of them had the software for programming Motorola radios.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
A few more thoughts;
"I think he already has you on iggy. WTG!"

Iggy Pop and The Stooges? You lost me someplace but never mind, I'll catch up eventually.

Hmmm, the Hall of Science hosts a lot of Amateur activities, MAARC is a hub of all sorts of activities. I wonder, LIMARC is another great club I have friends in only I hope "the Jewish repeaters" don't forget me since I've been off the air for a while and hopefully will be able to hit them when I eventually get my attic antennas going.

The PS2 didn't have a hard drive? Maybe you're confusing IBM with Commodore, as I remember them the IBM had a mediocre drive that barely supported Windows when it first came out as a DOS overlay. I remember a guy I lost track of recently, job and a new wife have him hopping but he used a Pet for packet, DOS on one 5" floppy and some dumb terminal program on the other. I used one briefly, I went for a walk while it booted it took so long. (;->)

"I was with ya 'till the obey thing-that rattled me."

Rattles are for babies. (;->)

"Just wanna move on ok?"

I believe we're moving right along here... until next time Gadget, NEXT TIME! Come Mad Cat. <rowr>
(Cue theme, fade to black.)
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