Grimeton Station SAQ (Sweden) --Christmas Message

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Jun 13, 2018

On December 24th, the historic Grimeton long wave radio station SAQ will broadcast its Christmas message to the world on 17.2 KHz's.
For those unfamiliar with SAQ, this is the last of a radio era when things were mechanical and not electronic-- for the station transmits using an Alexanderson alternator from the 1920's.
Unfamiliar with an Alexanderson alternator ?
Well its something out of a Jules Verne story- about as Steam Punk as they come.

Rather than have me explain it, there is a great YouTube on the operation of this station- all you would ever care to know about this awesome transmitter.

In addition to the Morse broadcast (yes, it is in code) -- there will be simultaneous ham radio activity on several popular HF bands.

Grimeton Radio Station, SK6SAQ, will be operational - beginning at 0730 UTC-- on :

3.535 MHz CW
7.035 MHz CW
14.035 MHz CW
3.755 MHz SSB
7.140 MHz SSB

QSL information plus other interesting tidbits can be found at this ARRL site:


Years ago I got to visit SAQ, and I was thoroughly impressed ! Its more like visiting an electric power generating station than anything related to transmitting radio signals. I lack anything capable of receivng a 17 KHz signal, plus being where I am I doubt I would hear them anyway, But maybe one of you guys can :giggle: .

Merry Christmas !


Lauri Christmas.jpg



Premium Subscriber
Jul 7, 2018
Nassau County, NY
It's tough catching them on the East Coast, even with good VLF antennas. BUT - there's remote SDR tuners. Here's a website that lets you sort from the big 3 networks (Kiwi, Web and OpenWebSDR) ones that have VLF and LF capability: Preview of SDR Receivers | World of Receivers and Transmitters and then use the filter at the top of the table page to zero into a VLF capable rx nearby. I'd scout out before hand and have a few backups, as many remote SDRs have limits of people listening and many will be maxed out during SAQ's few transmitting sessions. Good luck for those who try!


Premium Subscriber
Jul 7, 2018
Nassau County, NY
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