initial engineering
Thanks for allowing me into the forum. My expertise is in wireless communications and digital signal processing(DSP). I hope I can contribute.
A little background:
At GW they provided an audio and PTT interface kit between a custom DSP modem and a SSB transceiver. So, they did not make the radio but only the modem and interface. A computer was used to control and to send/receive email.
The legacy GW signals were FSK. The hardware was updated to use a better DSP processor. This required the porting of DSP code to the new processor.
There was the need to increase the signal bandwidth and corresponding data rate. Originally, the channel bandwidth was 500Hz. In addition to FSK, PSK-2,4,8 modes were added with an adaptive multi-rate (AMR) capability ( I think some decoders detected this AMR). The PSK, of course, is more bandwidth efficient allowing for increased data rates over FSK.
An OFDM signal was created to use the full audio band(~3KHz) with the same 1700 Hz center frequency. This resulting in the need to update the hardware again.