I did a test of the so-called 24/7 PIO email today and so far it has been over 6 hours and I haven't received a response to my inquiry.
What good is having a 24/7 PIO if they're going to take such a long time to respond? What a complete loss of confidence in that agency.
Did you really expect anything else:lol:
In 2001, I participated in the Gwinnett County Citizen's Police Academy. Had done one in Cleve, OH the year before moving to GA. Cleveland's was 8 weeks and didn't have half the content of the GCCPA. Gwinnett's was 10 weeks and quite intensive.
The classes were set up as if we were going through the academy. We did traffic stops, went through the tricked out training house, including flash bangs. Never once did I ever believe that they would shut out the public.
Joined the alumni group, got to do a fly along on the chopper. Went through the high speed car class, 60mph through traffic cone maze with a FRS radio on the seat next to you waiting for them to say stop. Brought along my MTX8000 on my ride along and fly along. Even cloned my Pro-235 to the EUD supervisors scanner.
Knew every cop that lived in Sugar Hill on a first name basis. Used to help with parking at out fall festival with two of my close buddies from the neighborhood. Almost joined a team of intervention citizens and PD, would have had my own ID on the trunk system. Work got crazy, and I couldn't do the commitment.
Flash forward to 2008. New P-25 system came online while I was talking to a sheriffs deputy. All of Gwinnett went silent 10/2008. No PD's, SO's, FD. FD got into a pickle trying to work a wreck on 85 with DeKalb. It didn't work. FD went in the clear.
In all the years I was affiliated with the Gwinnett Citizens group, and interfacing with the people I got to know in PD and SO, there was never a problem with communications between public service and the citizens of Gwinnett. I knew the two PIO's. They were the main instructors at the academy.
3/31/15. Gwinnett decided they no longer wanted to trust the citizens of the county to monitor their activity.
*Oh, by the way, I met Tommy Rutledge at the fire academy, and man did he change when he was promoted to Captain and PIO