It’s certainly been asked before, but not covered, or if it has been, where? It’s just curious that they didn’t do as New Britain FD did on CLMRN.
New Britain and Stamford already had a P25 systems on the air all they did was kept their systems and went on the state core. Hartford has a EDACS system so its not the same, Maybe they could use the ISSI and roam on the state system like Waterbury, Wallingford & Middletown do, I'm not sure if a old EDACS system can do thatIt’s certainly been asked before, but not covered, or if it has been, where? It’s just curious that they didn’t do as New Britain FD did on CLMRN.
I personally am VERY excited to see the coverage change after that Hartland site comes online.Cities with the volume of traffic that Hartford and New Britain have would overwhelm the system if they were to be added without any contribution of frequencies. The State provides fiber/microwave backbone, the P25 core, and wider area coverage. Any improvements to the system that benefit that community are paid for by the community. So Bloomfield added the Troop H Simulcast site at the PD in Bloomfield center. The State added the one at the North end of Bloomfield as it covers a wider area and doesn't benefit primarily Bloomfield. The upcoming Hartland site will provide coverage for the Northeastern end of Troop B's area when it goes online next year.
The system isn't static, there are always ways to improve and optimize it.