Having troubles receiving Bell FleetNet Zone 1

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 17, 2014
I have a Homepatrol 1, and for the past week, havent been recieving any transmissions on Bell Fleetnet Zone 1. When I hit the advance tab, go to site information, its saying its picking up the towers and sites, like Byron, Britannia, and others, but its just not picking up transmissions. Before I had interferance problems from an IR camera, but that doesn't seem to be the case now, as before it wasn't even locking on to the towers. Any thoughts?

BTW I have it fully updated to the latest firmware, and the latest databases


Dec 19, 2002
Thornhill Ontario
Because you are asking I feel you are most likely receiving other things fine so myself being just north of Toronto I have a choice of 2 towers to receive. If you are in a similar place I would for sure try setting your unit to receive from an alternate tower this way you eliminate simply an offline tower and verify correct programming. Then switch back to the original tower maybe simply re-programming the unit will clear a glitch if present.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 17, 2014
With the way the Homepatrol works, It will basically lock on to any available tower on fleetnet that it picks up. I'm in London Ontario, and as it has the whole RR database programmed in automatically, theres not really any way to tell what towers i should be picking up in my area. Im going to try doing an avoid of all the sites I know are not within 25 km, as that is also what I have my range set to on my scanner. The thing that is so odd though, is it is locking on to the Byron tower, which is within my cities limits, however its not recieving ANY transmissions on the bell fleetnet system. You are right about it picking up other things fine, it just seems like bell fleetnet isnt working at all on it despite locking on the tower


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Fort Erie Ontario Canada

With the way the Homepatrol works, It will basically lock on to any available tower on fleetnet that it picks up. I'm in London Ontario, and as it has the whole RR database programmed in automatically, theres not really any way to tell what towers i should be picking up in my area. Im going to try doing an avoid of all the sites I know are not within 25 km, as that is also what I have my range set to on my scanner. The thing that is so odd though, is it is locking on to the Byron tower, which is within my cities limits, however its not recieving ANY transmissions on the bell fleetnet system. You are right about it picking up other things fine, it just seems like bell fleetnet isnt working at all on it despite locking on the tower

DO a search between 140 and 144 MHz and see what control channels you pick up and find out what tower the control channel is for and then program in that tower.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 17, 2014
I can't on an HP 1, and that what I'm saying, it is picking up the control channel, and when I listen to the control channel, I can hear the control channel noise, but its not picking up any transmissions. its as though no one is transmitting, even though I know there should be traffic. All the frequency settings and channel settings are as they should be. It doesn't make any sense


Premium Subscriber
Nov 17, 2014
its almost like its only sticking to the control channel, and is not even paying attention to when someone is transmitting on the other channels. when I mannually go in to the site frequencies and just switch between the different frequencies, I can pick up voice traffic, but it seems like the scanner isnt doing that automatically for whatever reason its only started doing this since the last firmware update I believe


Feb 25, 2004
Pierrefonds (West Island Montreal) Qc Canada
I dont know the HP1.. I have the 436HP.. Can you set up a NEW favorite list using the data base to upload fleetnet zone 1 only? And only monitor that list..
Also..make sure your Squelch level is NOT higher than 2.. That has screwed me up a few times thinking i raised the volume levek to 15. But it was actually the squelch level so the system wouldnt decode..
Good luck


20 + year membership
Oct 29, 2002
Downtown Hamilton
With the way the Homepatrol works, It will basically lock on to any available tower on fleetnet that it picks up. I'm in London Ontario, and as it has the whole RR database programmed in automatically, theres not really any way to tell what towers i should be picking up in my area. Im going to try doing an avoid of all the sites I know are not within 25 km, as that is also what I have my range set to on my scanner. The thing that is so odd though, is it is locking on to the Byron tower, which is within my cities limits, however its not recieving ANY transmissions on the bell fleetnet system. You are right about it picking up other things fine, it just seems like bell fleetnet isnt working at all on it despite locking on the tower

Create actual systems, and lock out all the towers you cannot have a chance to "get."

In other words, start using your HP as a regular scanner, it will work better for you.

I have created numerous scan lists to monitor. I have 1 set up for the Charlton tower, all other towers are locked out. If there is any activity on the tower I'll hear it.

When I want to monitor things in the GTA I have lists for that, for London OPP and MTOE I select the relevant talk groups I know that will "pop" up and the towers that I can monitor using reason and logic.

Your current set up says Byron, and Brittania, Byron is in London, I think you are out that way. Brittania and Byron share the same control channel.
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