Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Marion trumpet new law-enforcement radio system | TheGazette
CEDAR RAPIDS — It’s the difference between life and death, says Police Chief Greg Graham.
The lifesaver that Graham was talking about is the new, $18.2-million countywide law enforcement radio system that will allow public safety agencies throughout the county to “seamlessly” talk and operate computers on the same radio frequency for the first time.
Graham was joined by Linn County Sheriff Brian Gardner and Marion Police Chief Harry Daugherty at a Thursday news conference to trumpet what Gardner called a “great day” for law enforcement agencies and residents of Linn County.
The sheriff and the chiefs provided examples of traffic stops and fights that can turn ugly quickly with the need to instantly summon backup help from each other’s agencies. Now, a Cedar Rapids police officer needs to call the Cedar Rapids dispatch center, which then calls the sheriff’s dispatch center or Marion dispatch center, which, in turn, contacts their deputies or officers, the sheriff and chiefs said.
The new radio system, which Linn County and Marion should have access to relatively quickly with Cedar Rapids coming on board a little later, will give all the departments instant access to each other, the sheriff and chiefs said.
Gardner noted that all the small-town police departments in the county as well as rural fire departments will be hooked into the radio system as will county road and conservation personnel and the county jail and juvenile detention center. Daugherty said Marion intends to connect its firefighters and other city departments to the system, and Cedar Rapids will connect firefighters and, perhaps, some other departments, Graham said.
Linn County, Marion and Cedar Rapids all are paying a share of the system’s cost by raising money through the sale of bonds to be paid off over time. Marion and Linn County recently approved funding, which Cedar Rapids had done earlier.
The infrastructure for the joint radio system will cost $11 million, with Cedar Rapids paying $5.5 million, Linn County, $3.3 million, and Marion, $2.2 million. Each agency then has other costs associated with radio equipment that brings the project cost up to $18.2 million.
The new Linn County system also will be able to communicate with Johnson County’s new radio system, Gardner noted.
Public officials in Cedar Rapids and Linn County have talked for years about using just one law enforcement dispatch center for all the agencies in the county. Gardner, Graham and Daugherty rejected the idea anew on Thursday. They said the duplication of dispatch centers saved the day after the June 2008 flood, when radio systems in Cedar Rapids and Linn County were knocked out but the agencies were able to go to Marion Police Department to get back online.
Gardner said studies have shown that a joint communications center costs more not less to operate.
CEDAR RAPIDS — It’s the difference between life and death, says Police Chief Greg Graham.
The lifesaver that Graham was talking about is the new, $18.2-million countywide law enforcement radio system that will allow public safety agencies throughout the county to “seamlessly” talk and operate computers on the same radio frequency for the first time.
Graham was joined by Linn County Sheriff Brian Gardner and Marion Police Chief Harry Daugherty at a Thursday news conference to trumpet what Gardner called a “great day” for law enforcement agencies and residents of Linn County.
The sheriff and the chiefs provided examples of traffic stops and fights that can turn ugly quickly with the need to instantly summon backup help from each other’s agencies. Now, a Cedar Rapids police officer needs to call the Cedar Rapids dispatch center, which then calls the sheriff’s dispatch center or Marion dispatch center, which, in turn, contacts their deputies or officers, the sheriff and chiefs said.
The new radio system, which Linn County and Marion should have access to relatively quickly with Cedar Rapids coming on board a little later, will give all the departments instant access to each other, the sheriff and chiefs said.
Gardner noted that all the small-town police departments in the county as well as rural fire departments will be hooked into the radio system as will county road and conservation personnel and the county jail and juvenile detention center. Daugherty said Marion intends to connect its firefighters and other city departments to the system, and Cedar Rapids will connect firefighters and, perhaps, some other departments, Graham said.
Linn County, Marion and Cedar Rapids all are paying a share of the system’s cost by raising money through the sale of bonds to be paid off over time. Marion and Linn County recently approved funding, which Cedar Rapids had done earlier.
The infrastructure for the joint radio system will cost $11 million, with Cedar Rapids paying $5.5 million, Linn County, $3.3 million, and Marion, $2.2 million. Each agency then has other costs associated with radio equipment that brings the project cost up to $18.2 million.
The new Linn County system also will be able to communicate with Johnson County’s new radio system, Gardner noted.
Public officials in Cedar Rapids and Linn County have talked for years about using just one law enforcement dispatch center for all the agencies in the county. Gardner, Graham and Daugherty rejected the idea anew on Thursday. They said the duplication of dispatch centers saved the day after the June 2008 flood, when radio systems in Cedar Rapids and Linn County were knocked out but the agencies were able to go to Marion Police Department to get back online.
Gardner said studies have shown that a joint communications center costs more not less to operate.