Yes I do have harmonic the filters, couple of DB4332B 450-470MHz. These came from a decommissioned IM panel, they where checked and aligned with NanoVNA and show about -55db at second harmonic, and only about 0.3dB insertion loss at close to 470MHz operating Tx frequency.
Well I am happy with the results of these 3-stage isolators. I also have a pair of untunned DB4325B single stage isolators from same brand and vintage (80s-90s) that came from that same IM panel, and they measured each about 20-22dB isolation and around 0.3-0.4dB forward loss at around 470MHz. So these 3-stage ones seem to be in line with those numbers.
The single stage isolators are each one now mounted on two separate repeaters along with Sinclair Q3220E duplexers. Repeaters are set to just 20W out of the Tx port which leaves about 15W at the antenna. That will provide plenty strong enough coverage within the required 1-mile radius of the repeater for the portables, and that along those single isolators will hopefully minimize possibility of IM inside each others the Tx's. One repeater is Moto SLR5000 and the other is Hytera RD982i.
So far the first repeater (SLR) has been in operation for several months now. The second repeater will be put online later this week at same location, with same configuration, and R/T spaced 100KHz away of the first one. I will try to achieve as much physical isolation between both repeater antennas, and was hoping the single stage islolators will do their thing and pick up the rest. Otherwise I'll replace them with these 3-stage babies which was the whole "just in case" intention of the last minute purchase. I was just not sure if they where going to even work given the $50/each price.