Help needed in using Uniden BCD436HP to zero in on a specific signals

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Jan 29, 2008
San Francisco, California bay area
That's odd, but mine doesn't do that. I have my settings as:

Squelch: Open Squelch
Keypad: 10 Seconds
Timeout: Infinite

and my backlight never shuts off.

Do you have batteries in the unit? Not having batteries in can cause odd operation.

I do have batteries in unit. But I have tried the above settings among others and one of them the light stays on and that's fine when I want to use that option but I may not want to use that option all the time.
No I know why the popularity of scanning has gone down as the difficulty level is high (at least for me) I'm sure there are others out there too.

So now that I have found out how to do that, I can't get it to go back to the light coming on only when a transmission is present then lights turns off and will light up again for next transmission.

And I am still trying to set up a favorite lists after being unsuccessful for 3 hrs. at 4 AM here.
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