Method 1:
Look at your radio to see if it has a FCC type acceptance number. If it does, it is blocked (unless it is a USA "export model" or for "approved" users).
Method 2:
try to enter a "blocked" frequency such as between 869-895 MHz. If you can, it is not blocked.
There may also be a sticker on the box that will say 120 U or 120 B (120 is the voltage of the adapter, U=unblocked or B=Blocked)
European models should have the "CE" emblem in the lower right corner of the model/serial number sticker. If it has the "CE" but not the "Type Acceptance", then it is not blocked.
Even in my rural area, there is almost nothing to listen to in the "blocked" frequency ranges. I hope you didn't buy one of these just to listen to these frequency ranges, because you probably won't be able to pick anything up anyway. Different countries or regions use these frequency ranges for different purposes so the radio is more versatile if it is unblocked.