HELP! Yaesu FT-DX10 will not PTT on ARDOP or VARA...


Jul 27, 2020
I've had a heck of a time setting up the Yaesu DT-DX10 to work with both ARDOP and VARA for HF email. Everything works, but it will not PTT. The DX-10 is connected via USB, and works perfectly with WSJT-X, Grid Tracker, JS8Call, problem. It works well on TELNET over the internet. But, it will not PTT on ARDOP or VARA. I have tried every thing I can think of to make sure all the settings are entered correctly, and even accessed You Tube tutorials, no avail. I have an Elecraft 500 Watt amp and tuner combo that works with the DX-10, and in order to make good connections with ARDOP or VARA, I like having that amp combo on the DX-10, not to mention I use the amp on SSB for voice too. So, I don't want to repurpose the amp/tune combo over to the FT-991A backup radio I have.

I've been so frustrated at setting up the DX-10, and the PTT not working, that I've considered whether to connect the FT-991A back up radio to work with ARDOP and/or VARA. There seems to be a lot more information on setting up the FT-991A than the DX-10, and I'm pretty confident I could make that work. But, it only has 100 watt power output, and I don't plan an adding a new AMP to the mix, as I simply don't have the room in the shack for another amp/tuner, and I don't want to invest in an another amp/tuner either, just to connect to ARDOP or VARA.

Is 100 watts and adequate power output to utilize ARDOP or VARA in a long distance HF connection? I'm active in ARES, and feel it would be best to be able to connect to an ARDOP of VARA connection point that is several hundred miles away from our local area, where there may not be natural disaster conditions affecting the connection point, such as internet outages, infrastructure challenges, etc...

Or, if anybody out there has setup their DX-10 via USB cable, and their setup is working, I would appreciate any setup advice that might address the PTT not working with my DX-10.
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Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
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Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
I don't know that radio, so I can only guess what the problem might be.

What app is calling VARA or ARDOP? Winlink Express? If so, have you configured it so that it has CAT communications with your radio and PTT control? When I run VARA with later-model Icom radios, in the radio set up window of Winlink Express, I have to tell it both how to communicate with the radio and how to key the PTT. Also, there may be a setting in the radio that determines whether or not it will accept a PTT command over the USB cable.

As for running an amp, in my area, I can easily make 80m, 40m, or 20m connections using a dipole antenna and 100 watts. I assume you are using the station selection feature in Winlink Express to find the station that has the best chance of connecting.

Step back from the problem, calm your nerves, and then attack the problem logically. If you find yourself getting frustrated, step away and come back to it later.


Jul 27, 2020
Yes, it's ARDOP and VARA via Winlink Express...I'm aware of the connection points, but that works fine, it's just that the DX-10 won't PTT once all settings are completed. The DX-10 is so relatively new, there isn't much available via the internet or You Tube that has solved the problem. Many of these resources are using Signal Link controllers, and are not connected directly to the radio via USB. Like I said, it works perfectly on the other data programs, but not via Winlink ARDOP or VARA. Just can't get it to PTT, and truly, I have tried every setting in the book, spent hours, walking away from it day to day, coming back, trying again, etc...

I am beginning to think that unless I can find an operator that has made it work on their DX-10 via USB, I'll have to wait until enough complaints are out there that somebody has solved the issue. I don't really understand why the new Yaesu radios have to use FLRIG as a control vehicle, as nothing else seems to work via USB on my DX-10 or my FT-991A.

I'm beginning to think there's a glitch with Yaesu setup protocols on these newer radios. There is no reason why we have to use FLRig to control these radios when connected via USB, but that is the case, as I've had some pretty knowledgeable radio gurus try to address this issue, and it always comes back to using FLRIG as the rig control. I believe that may be where the issue lies with respect to PTT. But, the radio does have PTT on FLRIG, and it's not problem using FLRIG on the other related data driven programs.


What app is calling VARA or ARDOP? Winlink Express? If so, have you configured it so that it has CAT communications with your radio and PTT control? When I run VARA with later-model Icom radios, in the radio set up window of Winlink Express, I have to tell it both how to communicate with the radio and how to key the PTT. Also, there may be a setting in the radio that determines whether or not it will accept a PTT command over the USB cable.

As for running an amp, in my area, I can easily make 80m, 40m, or 20m connections using a dipole antenna and 100 watts. I assume you are using the station selection feature in Winlink Express to find the station that has the best chance of connecting.

Step back from the problem, calm your nerves, and then attack the problem logically. If you find yourself getting frustrated, step away and come back to it later.


Jul 27, 2020
Thanks, I'll check it out. I am enrolled in several internet groups, as well as checking You Tube for a remedy. Not sure if I'm already a member of the Google group link you sent, but when I tried to access it, it wouldn't let me in until I registered. So, that might mean it's a group I haven't checked for answers yet. Enrolled in the group, and waiting for access. Thanks again!

There is a Google Group for Winlink support, you might try there:


Aug 29, 2015
I've had a heck of a time setting up the Yaesu DT-DX10 to work with both ARDOP and VARA for HF email. Everything works, but it will not PTT. The DX-10 is connected via USB, and works perfectly with WSJT-X, Grid Tracker, JS8Call, problem. It works well on TELNET over the internet. But, it will not PTT on ARDOP or VARA. I have tried every thing I can think of to make sure all the settings are entered correctly, and even accessed You Tube tutorials, no avail. I have an Elecraft 500 Watt amp and tuner combo that works with the DX-10, and in order to make good connections with ARDOP or VARA, I like having that amp combo on the DX-10, not to mention I use the amp on SSB for voice too. So, I don't want to repurpose the amp/tune combo over to the FT-991A backup radio I have.

I've been so frustrated at setting up the DX-10, and the PTT not working, that I've considered whether to connect the FT-991A back up radio to work with ARDOP and/or VARA. There seems to be a lot more information on setting up the FT-991A than the DX-10, and I'm pretty confident I could make that work. But, it only has 100 watt power output, and I don't plan an adding a new AMP to the mix, as I simply don't have the room in the shack for another amp/tuner, and I don't want to invest in an another amp/tuner either, just to connect to ARDOP or VARA.

Is 100 watts and adequate power output to utilize ARDOP or VARA in a long distance HF connection? I'm active in ARES, and feel it would be best to be able to connect to an ARDOP of VARA connection point that is several hundred miles away from our local area, where there may not be natural disaster conditions affecting the connection point, such as internet outages, infrastructure challenges, etc...

Or, if anybody out there has setup their DX-10 via USB cable, and their setup is working, I would appreciate any setup advice that might address the PTT not working with my DX-10.

A little over the top technically, as the Yaesu radios all connect to the VARA, but using my FT-dx-101MP it will not transmit the carrier regardless if the CAT is set properly.

For this FT-dx10 problem, endure your options for CAT are used vice DTR and the baud rate is the same as your port device settings.


Aug 29, 2015
Yes, it's ARDOP and VARA via Winlink Express...I'm aware of the connection points, but that works fine, it's just that the DX-10 won't PTT once all settings are completed. The DX-10 is so relatively new, there isn't much available via the internet or You Tube that has solved the problem. Many of these resources are using Signal Link controllers, and are not connected directly to the radio via USB. Like I said, it works perfectly on the other data programs, but not via Winlink ARDOP or VARA. Just can't get it to PTT, and truly, I have tried every setting in the book, spent hours, walking away from it day to day, coming back, trying again, etc...

I am beginning to think that unless I can find an operator that has made it work on their DX-10 via USB, I'll have to wait until enough complaints are out there that somebody has solved the issue. I don't really understand why the new Yaesu radios have to use FLRIG as a control vehicle, as nothing else seems to work via USB on my DX-10 or my FT-991A.

I'm beginning to think there's a glitch with Yaesu setup protocols on these newer radios. There is no reason why we have to use FLRig to control these radios when connected via USB, but that is the case, as I've had some pretty knowledgeable radio gurus try to address this issue, and it always comes back to using FLRIG as the rig control. I believe that may be where the issue lies with respect to PTT. But, the radio does have PTT on FLRIG, and it's not problem using FLRIG on the other related data driven programs.
HR D worksa without a problem, but the VARA PTT keys but no power is outputted - strange.


Aug 29, 2015
I don't know that radio, so I can only guess what the problem might be.

What app is calling VARA or ARDOP? Winlink Express? If so, have you configured it so that it has CAT communications with your radio and PTT control? When I run VARA with later-model Icom radios, in the radio set up window of Winlink Express, I have to tell it both how to communicate with the radio and how to key the PTT. Also, there may be a setting in the radio that determines whether or not it will accept a PTT command over the USB cable.

As for running an amp, in my area, I can easily make 80m, 40m, or 20m connections using a dipole antenna and 100 watts. I assume you are using the station selection feature in Winlink Express to find the station that has the best chance of connecting.

Step back from the problem, calm your nerves, and then attack the problem logically. If you find yourself getting frustrated, step away and come back to it later.
The VARA AC software correctly keys the PTT and communicates with the newer Yaesu FT-dx10 and FT-dx-101 series, but the carrier never comes on.

The CAT commands for these radios is not the problem, as much as maybe the software itself.

Anyone using the T-dx-101MP radio that has a power outputed when PTT is keyed, please contact me with your settings.


Jan 15, 2024
The trick is to go into FUNC, radio settings, MODE SSB, SSB MOD SOURCE: REAR. Else it will just select the audio from the microphone.


Aug 29, 2015
I've had a heck of a time setting up the Yaesu DT-DX10 to work with both ARDOP and VARA for HF email. Everything works, but it will not PTT. The DX-10 is connected via USB, and works perfectly with WSJT-X, Grid Tracker, JS8Call, problem. It works well on TELNET over the internet. But, it will not PTT on ARDOP or VARA. I have tried every thing I can think of to make sure all the settings are entered correctly, and even accessed You Tube tutorials, no avail. I have an Elecraft 500 Watt amp and tuner combo that works with the DX-10, and in order to make good connections with ARDOP or VARA, I like having that amp combo on the DX-10, not to mention I use the amp on SSB for voice too. So, I don't want to repurpose the amp/tune combo over to the FT-991A backup radio I have.

I've been so frustrated at setting up the DX-10, and the PTT not working, that I've considered whether to connect the FT-991A back up radio to work with ARDOP and/or VARA. There seems to be a lot more information on setting up the FT-991A than the DX-10, and I'm pretty confident I could make that work. But, it only has 100 watt power output, and I don't plan an adding a new AMP to the mix, as I simply don't have the room in the shack for another amp/tuner, and I don't want to invest in an another amp/tuner either, just to connect to ARDOP or VARA.

Is 100 watts and adequate power output to utilize ARDOP or VARA in a long distance HF connection? I'm active in ARES, and feel it would be best to be able to connect to an ARDOP of VARA connection point that is several hundred miles away from our local area, where there may not be natural disaster conditions affecting the connection point, such as internet outages, infrastructure challenges, etc...

Or, if anybody out there has setup their DX-10 via USB cable, and their setup is working, I would appreciate any setup advice that might address the PTT not working with my DX-10.
I noted a lot of replies for the sake of replying. Also, anyone knows about this radios and the FT-101MP read audio settings.

Problem as I have had with a expensive commercial modem is one of keying the PTT that works with CAT, but often not with the port set to the PTT line.


May 3, 2024
K5BXM - 2025Jan02 - Yaesu FTDX 10 - VARA HF - all of my settings were correct and my radio still would not key the output of VARA HF. Finally adjusted/ increased the ALC in the VARA HF/ Settings/ Soundcard/ Press TUNE and Slide the Slider forward til the radio Keys.


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
Finally adjusted/ increased the ALC in the VARA HF/ Settings/ Soundcard/ Press TUNE and Slide the Slider forward til the radio Keys.
Yaesu's CAT protocol should have a PTT command that external software can use to key the radio. In looking at the CAT Operation Reference Manual that Yaesu published for the FT-dx10, it appears that is the case. Vara HF should use that CAT command to key the radio.

I did find an interesting note, posted below, in the Yaesu CAT manual. This note seems to be indicating that the radio's PTT can be controlled using a different COM port from the COM port used to read/write frequency and mode. I don't have an FT-dx10 to test, but I wonder if you need to set up two different COM ports, one in Winlink for frequency control, and a different COM port in Vara HF for PTT control. Of course, I could be way off base.
