47 C.F.R. 1.4000(a)(1)(iii) "Any restriction...that impairs the installation, maintenance, or use of...[a]n antenna that is used to receive television broadcast signals...is prohibited..."
It does not specify that a TV antenna be used to receive TV broadcast signals.
Based on this, I'm confident that, legally, an HOA cannot prohibit use of an amateur radio antenna IF that antenna "is used to receive television broadcast signals" as specified in 47 C.F.R. 1.4000 (assuming none of the exceptions in 47 C.F.R. 1.4000(b), such as safety, historic, etc., apply).
In other words, if I install a ham antenna, either dual-band or UHF, that meets the same compliance requirements as a TV antenna (size, private-use area, etc.), and I use that ham antenna to receive television broadcast signals, I would be in compliance with HOA rules that otherwise prohibit ham radio antennas. But this is not my issue or my question. I'm more interested in the technical implications. I'm not sure that transmitting on such an antenna that is also connected to my TV is a good idea for the TV's sake (or the radio). What are the technical risks here (in layman's terms, please)?
I'm also not sure if a ham radio dual-band or UHF only antenna would even allow decent reception of broadcast TV signals. It seems to me it would work since it's all UHF, although it might not be ideal. But I'm not all that technically savvy.
I'm thinking specifically of something like a Comet GP-3. I currently have only an HT with maximum TX of 4 to 5 watts.
Am I just fishing for trouble here?
Thanks much!
It does not specify that a TV antenna be used to receive TV broadcast signals.
Based on this, I'm confident that, legally, an HOA cannot prohibit use of an amateur radio antenna IF that antenna "is used to receive television broadcast signals" as specified in 47 C.F.R. 1.4000 (assuming none of the exceptions in 47 C.F.R. 1.4000(b), such as safety, historic, etc., apply).
In other words, if I install a ham antenna, either dual-band or UHF, that meets the same compliance requirements as a TV antenna (size, private-use area, etc.), and I use that ham antenna to receive television broadcast signals, I would be in compliance with HOA rules that otherwise prohibit ham radio antennas. But this is not my issue or my question. I'm more interested in the technical implications. I'm not sure that transmitting on such an antenna that is also connected to my TV is a good idea for the TV's sake (or the radio). What are the technical risks here (in layman's terms, please)?
I'm also not sure if a ham radio dual-band or UHF only antenna would even allow decent reception of broadcast TV signals. It seems to me it would work since it's all UHF, although it might not be ideal. But I'm not all that technically savvy.
I'm thinking specifically of something like a Comet GP-3. I currently have only an HT with maximum TX of 4 to 5 watts.
Am I just fishing for trouble here?
Thanks much!