OK. hooked the HP-2 to my computer and opened up Sentinel . wanted to read from the HP-2 to get a file so if something happened. Well it now says SD CARD FILE ERROR. Will not go past this screen and the screen goes black. Says to unplug and remove the batteries for one minute and if problem persist, restore data using sentinel all clear..Tried to clear data in Sentinel and it does nothing. Any help please.
If you have all of your data saved in Sentinel, you won't lose it.... otherwise you will lose it.
Download and install the latest version of the Sentinel software from here if you don't yet have it installed on your computer:
HomePatrolSentinel < HomePatrol < TWiki
before turning the scanner on....
Have your computer and Sentinel running, then connect the scanner to your computer. Now when you turn the scanner on (with the card and a fresh set of batteries installed) it should go right into the mass storage mode.
When connected to your computer, from the top menu in Sentinel, click "Home Patrol", then "clear user data",
then check the box that says "display all drives". If the SD card is showing up there, finish the "clear user data" process and then "write" to the scanner from Sentinel to restore your data, disconnect the scanner from the computer and let it re-boot.
If the SD card doesn't show up in the step above, or you are still getting errors, try reformatting the SD card with this program:
and then go back to the "clear user data" step above. If the SD card still doesn't show up, or you are still getting errors, replace the card with a new one, and then repeat the "clear user data" step above.