home patrol 2 sd card file error

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 10, 2006
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
OK. hooked the HP-2 to my computer and opened up Sentinel . wanted to read from the HP-2 to get a file so if something happened. Well it now says SD CARD FILE ERROR. Will not go past this screen and the screen goes black. Says to unplug and remove the batteries for one minute and if problem persist, restore data using sentinel all clear..Tried to clear data in Sentinel and it does nothing. Any help please.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2007
OK. hooked the HP-2 to my computer and opened up Sentinel . wanted to read from the HP-2 to get a file so if something happened. Well it now says SD CARD FILE ERROR. Will not go past this screen and the screen goes black. Says to unplug and remove the batteries for one minute and if problem persist, restore data using sentinel all clear..Tried to clear data in Sentinel and it does nothing. Any help please.

If you have all of your data saved in Sentinel, you won't lose it.... otherwise you will lose it.

Download and install the latest version of the Sentinel software from here if you don't yet have it installed on your computer:

HomePatrolSentinel < HomePatrol < TWiki

Now.... before turning the scanner on....

Have your computer and Sentinel running, then connect the scanner to your computer. Now when you turn the scanner on (with the card and a fresh set of batteries installed) it should go right into the mass storage mode.

When connected to your computer, from the top menu in Sentinel, click "Home Patrol", then "clear user data", then check the box that says "display all drives". If the SD card is showing up there, finish the "clear user data" process and then "write" to the scanner from Sentinel to restore your data, disconnect the scanner from the computer and let it re-boot.

If the SD card doesn't show up in the step above, or you are still getting errors, try reformatting the SD card with this program:


and then go back to the "clear user data" step above. If the SD card still doesn't show up, or you are still getting errors, replace the card with a new one, and then repeat the "clear user data" step above.



Premium Subscriber
Jun 10, 2006
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
OK. It will not even go there. The only thing that comes up is Says to unplug and remove the batteries for one minute and if problem persist, restore data using sentinel all clear.. nothing shows up in the box you spoke of. clicked on show drives and it shows nothing. How do I get the card to reformat with it in the scanner that turns off. I took the card out of the home patrol and put it in a card reader but it does not show up. I had not up loaded anything to the card, ie favorites. was scanning using the SD card and the databases with no problems. Do I get another new 4 Gb micro card and insert it in the HP-2 and it will load the databases back in. I am willing to do that as I do not understand formatting.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2007
OK. It will not even go there. The only thing that comes up is Says to unplug and remove the batteries for one minute and if problem persist, restore data using sentinel all clear.. nothing shows up in the box you spoke of. clicked on show drives and it shows nothing. How do I get the card to reformat with it in the scanner that turns off. I took the card out of the home patrol and put it in a card reader but it does not show up. I had not up loaded anything to the card, ie favorites. was scanning using the SD card and the databases with no problems. Do I get another new 4 Gb micro card and insert it in the HP-2 and it will load the databases back in. I am willing to do that as I do not understand formatting.

The scanner will not start working again on it's own just by inserting a new card. After you insert the new card, you will still need to follow those same instructions very carefully, step by step. Be absolutely sure you connect the scanner to your computer before turning the scanner on, and carefully follow each step in order.

Even with a new card, if you turn the scanner on before connecting it to your computer and Sentinel, you will still get the same error message and the scanner will shut down, and "clear user data" will fail.

If you still don't have any success, try a different USB cable.



MI DB Admin
Database Admin
Aug 23, 2005
Bay City MI
FYI I worked with someone yesterday with an HP2 and all the same problems as the OP.
Tried different cables, was able to get the hp2 into mass storage-wasn't easy, never could I get it to be seen by sentinel although based on windows 7 tone that says it was picked up by windows. Tried the reformat the sd card as mentioned above, reinserted it, same sd card error.
Ended up going to a nearby Staples and picked up a new sandisk micro sd card and with it the same error.

So we decided it must be something internal that maybe is not connecting, he stated it was only at most one month old, told him to send it in to Uniden since its still under warranty as Uniden warranties scanners for a year.
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 10, 2006
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Went to 4 different stores looking for a 4 GB micro SD card. None to be found. Will a 8 GB work???I have a new one. When I connect the cable that come with the scanner to my computer into the scanner it comes on automatically and ask if I want to charge? OK I have the new card inserted 8 GB. The cable is inserted into my pc. Sentinel is open. I uninstalled the one (Sentinel) I had and reinstalled it. Do I insert the cable into the scanner now
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 10, 2006
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Same message comes up and after about 30 seconds the HP-2 shuts off. went into Sentinel and tried to clear user data. The card does not show up in the drives area even after checking the little box.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2007
Same message comes up and after about 30 seconds the HP-2 shuts off. went into Sentinel and tried to clear user data. The card does not show up in the drives area even after checking the little box.

If you take the new card out of the scanner and put it in your card reader, does it show up there?



Nov 12, 2002
Check to make sure the PC isn't trying to use some custom drivers for the scanner. Remove any drivers and let Windows re-install them. This is one of the few times Windows will usually pick the correct drivers. :D


Nov 12, 2002
It's just a matter of looking in the Device Manager in Windows, clicking on the device, and clicking REMOVE DRIVER, but if you would rather give up, that's your choice.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2007
Yes, it does.

Perform the clear user data steps as outlined with the card in the reader instead of the scanner..... the card should now show up when you check the "display all drives" box. Finish the clear user data process, remove the SD card from the reader, put it in the scanner and turn it on.



Premium Subscriber
Jun 10, 2006
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
I actually did that step last night when it was in the reader. The card did not show up at all after doing the clear user data. I put the check mark in the box and hit the button and nothing happened. Voyager. I am 69 years old and yes I gave up. I will return it and get a new one.


MI DB Admin
Database Admin
Aug 23, 2005
Bay City MI
Since Ranger821 says he is going to send it in, I'll add my observations since I saw the pretty much same thing when I worked on another hp2 other day.

The hp2 sd card did show up when using the sd card formatter, I did a quick format, tried it in the hp2, did a full format and tried it in the hp2.
Never was I able to have sentinel see it no matter what, so this is why I mentioned to the owner to send it in as its under warranty, must be something wrong internally on his as well as with ranger821's.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 10, 2006
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
With two recent purchases of home Patrol 2's having the same problem, could this (SD card file error) be more widespread. Anyone else having the same problem of the 307 views so far on this thread.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
With two recent purchases of home Patrol 2's having the same problem, could this (SD card file error) be more widespread. Anyone else having the same problem of the 307 views so far on this thread.
I've had my HP-2 since shortly after they were released. No card errors to date, and none on my HP-1, which I got 4+ years ago. However, that does not mean that a problem such as yours can't happen, just that I haven't seen it nor a lot of reports of the same posted in the forums. But it does seem like the problem, in your case, may be in the scanner itself, especially since a new card did not work either.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2007
Same message comes up and after about 30 seconds the HP-2 shuts off. went into Sentinel and tried to clear user data. The card does not show up in the drives area even after checking the little box.

The hp2 sd card did show up when using the sd card formatter, I did a quick format, tried it in the hp2, did a full format and tried it in the hp2.
Never was I able to have sentinel see it no matter what

In both of the cases being talked about in this thread.....

Was this the first time that an attempt was made to connect each of these HP2 scanners to Sentinel on the computer......

Or had the HP2 previously been read from and written to (including database and/or firmware updates) by Sentinel and suddenly stopped being seen by Sentinel?

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