Horrible 10 over interference on all bands

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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 7, 2021
Long Island...NY
If you can get a loop it will work wonders for you and on a cheap tv
rotator even better! I almost gave up HF so much crap from landlords
track lighting, to Christmas lights, power lines , list goes on even a
electric fence before ...it nulls out alot I have had a Wellbrook and a Pixel
both excellent ..noise sucks and you want to give up been there! hope
everything works out for you always a solution in life 73,s Marcy


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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 7, 2021
Long Island...NY
I am no expert at all on antennas but I have come to beleive since
being in the hobby since 1980 in some areas wire antennas just do
not work in Long Island there is so much junk and qrm but every!!
QTH is different maybe 3 streets away a dipole would be great just
not here...to me it,s all hit and miss but there are so many antenna
Experts?? out there who will tell you different...agn gud luck...Marcy


Sep 2, 2012
Tonight it's been S4-S5 (out of 5) static here. This a.m. it was quiet on the same frequencies, with better signals. Last night it was the same -- a lot better.

Tonight's high noise level -- at least here, at my location -- I attribute to the crappy propagation and ionospheric conditions. If the QRM comes and goes, it could be propagation. If it never leaves, then undoubtedly it's localized RFI of some sort. If you hear noise and it propagates, it could be a noise jammer (there are at least a couple of those in the 49 and 31 Meter bands). RFI never propagates, it's generally pretty steady, and bad ionospheric static doesn't propagate either, it's always there.

I have a little bit of in-house RFI but it's not horrible, and only occurs on a few frequencies (in the mid-700's kHz AM band, around 7000 kHz in the HF band). But there are nights where the SW spectrum sounds like frying eggs, and there are weak signals (i.e., WWV 10 MHz doesn't even come in).

I once had alien noises from a neighbor's washer & dryer -- it was a block and a half away. Had to track it down with a portable SW radio.

RFI happens. So does bad prop. It's one of the negatives we SWLs (and hams, too) have to deal with. :cool:


Premium Subscriber
Jan 31, 2020
Have a relative who consistently has s9-s10 rfi on all bands. He's shut the whole house off and used a battery powered radio and it was still there. He's put in a call to the local power company who sent their specialist out. The specialists drove around the neighborhood and found a couple issues. Repair crews came out fixed issues but the rfi was still there so the specialists came out again and determined it was not the powerlines in the neighborhood causing the issue, they also said the high tension lines aren't causing it either. His neighborhood had a power outage do to someone hitting a utility pole and I had him power up his battery powered radio and the noise was still there. I'm wondering if its coming from one of the stores on the main road but we haven't been able to figure out where its coming from yet. If you end up finding the cause please update us.

The idea of getting any kind of 'specialist' here to check it is a real joke. Boss Hogg runs the town. And we're not near any commercial stores at all, so that's that.
I took to streaming through an old phone into a milliwatt transmitter kit so at least I can use my radios.
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