I'll check it out.
Those frequencies look totally different
Try this:
ch-lo 380
chi-hi 725
offset 5000
BaseFreq 141.315000
step 12.5
Low High Base
Table Chan Chan Offset Frequency Step
0 380 759 380 146.06250 12.50
Low High Base
Table Chan Chan Offset Frequency Step
0 380 759 380 146.06500 12.50
I see two different plans:
andCode:------------------------------------------------------ Low High Base Table Chan Chan Offset Frequency Step ------------------------------------------------------ 0 380 759 380 146.06250 12.50
Code:------------------------------------------------------ Low High Base Table Chan Chan Offset Frequency Step ------------------------------------------------------ 0 380 759 380 146.06500 12.50
More information is needed on the site using 147.06 and 147.085.
Those two frequencies are using yet a third plan.
Pick one table or the other for a site.
After studying this further, I think there is really only one bandplan. (Unless this system also uses the 168-171 MHz frequencies you talked about earlier)
Of the two plans I provided, the correct one uses the base frequency of 146.0625 mHz....
Shown in green below are the frequencies I believe are correct.
Shown in red are the ones I feel are incorrect.
The actual frequencies in use are probably those listed in the center column.
The base frequency of 141.3125 that voyager provided also works if the offset value is set to 0 instead of 5000.
strange problem,
site 31 ok
site 26 I hear only some of the calls
How strong is Site 26?
As was suggested, try this:
ch-lo 380
chi-hi 725
offset 0
BaseFreq 141.3125
step 12.5