Hunt County Future P25 System


Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2019
To answer: I think a lot of it has to do with prior experiences with whatever equipment they're currently using. I'm not sure what Hunt County is currently using but I'd imagine if it's Motorola maybe they haven't had the best time with it, or the Harris sales reps were more convincing. Or it could be the opposite, if they're currently using Harris then it may be they can "trade in" their old equipment for some little discount. Or maybe they've had a great experience and they don't want to differ from using them. It could be any number of things.

Example/me rag chewing: I know one agency went from Motorola to Kenwood because the Motorolas they were using at the time weren't "getting enough range" so they went with Kenwood...They switched from a Motorola analog VHF system to a Kenwood digital 7/800MHz system. I'm sure part of their negative experience was they were using Motorola business series radios for public safety, while all the radios mother M make are great (imo) the agency wasn't using the correct equipment for the purpose they're dedicated to. A radio is a radio, a business radio will do the same job for the most part, transmit and receive, aside lacking the features that PS radios tend to have. (speaking in general here)

Also in this particular agencies case, if range is the issue I'm pretty sure it's not just the equipment it's also the band they're using. VHF in an urban enviroment? Funny. When they got the Kenwood 7/800 system operational they had coverage 10+ miles outside of their city and claimed the Kenwood radios were the best thing ever..... Was it the new Kenwood system or was it the fact they're now using new modern radios dedicated for public safety use on a more appropriate frequency band on a tower that's 150 foot higher compared to the existing 20 foot tower? Was the old VHF system maintained and radios regularly tuned and aligned? When you use equipment 10+ years old that's beat up and not maintained I'd imagine there would be quite a few issues and absolutely anything new given to them would be a noticeable difference. There are so, so many factors we'll never truly know the reason behind Hunt's choice.
So looks like you are spot on. Commissioners choose L3Harris for radio services The next question is what is the construction status of the VZ System? I just read another article where they (Hunt) were still debating antenna locations. Looks like Commerce (TAMU 14 story tower) Quinlan (Water tower).

Still no FCC Licensing showing up for the City of Greenville. Tons of political drama but very little action -- Gotta love Hunt County!


Premium Subscriber
Sep 5, 2022
Hunt County supposedly to be playing at the end of the year.
Same word on good ole Van Zandt County system


Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2019
Hunt County just received their frequencies, 4 channel simulcast on Greenville, Commerce, Celeste, Wolfe City and Caddo Mills. There is NO southern county coverage as of yet. Wolfe City fire have brand new, shinny HARRIS radios in their apparatus. Hunt is coming faster than most are prepared for.

Greenville was radio testing today on TGID 3031, Chief 1 talking to Greenville and calling them "Greenville" I got a site NAC but cannot get them in the house. I have to walk 100 feet to the car to get them back. The GV CC is strong all over southern Fannin so anyone with a decent scanner and antenna should pick them up.
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 5, 2022
I wish there was someone in Hunt County who could tell us how Hunt County got a $1.4m discount for "joining the as yet unbuilt Van Zandt County system"...


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2009
Will Commerce still be encrypted? I could pick them up in southern Grayson County at one time.


Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2019
I wish there was someone in Hunt County who could tell us how Hunt County got a $1.4m discount for "joining the as yet unbuilt Van Zandt County system"...
Two words .. TAX WRITEOFF (That's probably 3 words ... )


Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2019
Will Commerce still be encrypted? I could pick them up in southern Grayson County at one time.
More than likely Commerce Police will remain encrypted, Commerce Fire wants it and will probably get some. Not sure about Hunt S.O. but they will probably have some encryption on Investigative groups. Greenville on the other hand is a toss-up, the reason they added encryption was to stop illegal radio programming, It could be a possibility to see Greenville PD with open dispatch and encrypted patrol talk or info like Richardson used to be like. This is all just guesswork, we'll see when they roll it out ...


Premium Subscriber
Apr 9, 2003
Van Alstyne, TX
Hunt County just received their frequencies, 4 channel simulcast on Greenville, Commerce, Celeste, Wolfe City and Caddo Mills. There is NO southern county coverage as of yet. Wolfe City fire have brand new, shinny HARRIS radios in their apparatus. Hunt is coming faster than most are prepared for.

Greenville was radio testing today on TGID 3031, Chief 1 talking to Greenville and calling them "Greenville" I got a site NAC but cannot get them in the house. I have to walk 100 feet to the car to get them back. The GV CC is strong all over southern Fannin so anyone with a decent scanner and antenna should pick them up.
I'm sitting with my mobile rig in Greenville right now (my base station in Van Alstyne is just a bit too far out of range to pick it up from there - don't know how it will perform once I add a ground plane and a somewhat "stealth" outdoor antenna) and have a lot of data to build a submission for Greenville in RRDB, will get it submitted tonight with any luck.

As far as Hunt County, nothing yet (just getting their licenses this week means it will likely be a month or two at minimum). There's a second license also issued this week that adds a site in Quinlan, so that may represent the Southern County coverage.



Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2019
Jones, I completely missed that Quinlan license, nice catch. I've got someone coming to hang my 700 MHz yagi as soon as the rain lets up So I'll be able to follow these systems and update as necessary. I have to wonder if this is a simulcast or multicast system? I'll add the Quinlan frequencies with the other license and see if its all merged or not. Enjoy your visit to Greenville.
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Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Jones, I completely missed that Quinlan license, nice catch. I've got someone coming to hang my 700 MHz yagi as soon as the rain lets up So I'll be able to follow these systems and update as necessary. I have to wonder if this is a simulcast or multicast system? I'll add the Quinlan frequencies with the other license and see if its all merged or not. Enjoy your visit to Greenville.
Look at the emissions on the license, it will tell you if it's simulcast. The wiki has the codes you can look at to know what is what


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
9K70 and 9K80 so

9K70F1D - P25 Linear Simulcast Modulation “WCQPSK” data (per Harris MASTR-V literature).
9K70F1E - P25 Linear Simulcast Modulation...
9K80D7W - P25 Phase II fixed-end 2-slot TDMA
(Harmonized Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keyed modulation – H-DQPSK),
per Motorola literature.
9K80F1D - P25 Phase II fixed-end 2-slot TDMA H-DQPSK data,
per Harris MASTR-V literature.
9K80F1E - P25 Phase II fixed-end 2-slot TDMA H-DQPSK voice
(interpolation of MASTR-V literature).
So yes this will be an multi site P25 Phase II simulcast cell system from indicators. Possibly even 3 cells. 2 County, 1 Gville?
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 5, 2022
that seems like a lot of work...would it not be easier to see that the frequencies are all the same indicating Simulcast, or maybe Im missing something.


Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2019
that seems like a lot of work...would it not be easier to see that the frequencies are all the same indicating Simulcast, or maybe Im missing something.
the majority are the same except for Quinlan. Probably because it beds up to Kaufman and TXWARN. I've heard from these radio managers there is a shortage of 700 spectrum in North Texas.

Greenville Motorola Sys ID: BE7 SysNAC: BE1 WACN: BEE00


Premium Subscriber
Apr 9, 2003
Van Alstyne, TX
the majority are the same except for Quinlan. Probably because it beds up to Kaufman and TXWARN. I've heard from these radio managers there is a shortage of 700 spectrum in North Texas.

Greenville Motorola Sys ID: BE7 SysNAC: BE1 WACN: BEE00
Here's the DSDPlus dump for the Greenville system (Just submitted a few minutes ago to RRDB, so it will be up in the coming days).
Network: BEE00.BE7

Bandplan #0: Base=851.00625 Offset=-45 Spacing=6.25 BW=12.5
Bandplan #1: Base=762.00625 Offset=+30 Spacing=6.25 BW=12.5
Bandplan #2: Base=851.01250 Offset=-45 Spacing=12.5 BW=12.5 Slots=2
Bandplan #3: Base=762.00625 Offset=+30 Spacing=12.5 BW=12.5 Slots=2

Site: 1.1 NAC=BE1 BSI=WRYR685

Channel 1-1400: 770.75625 CC
Channel 1-1488: 771.30625 SCC
Channel 1-1658: 772.36875 SCC
Channel 1-1790: 773.19375 SCC
Channel 1-1980: 774.38125 BSI


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
OK so the Greenville TRS is separate from the county system as the county is supposed to be an L3 Harris and Gville is a Motorola.


Feed Provider
Jul 19, 2019
OK so the Greenville TRS is separate from the county system as the county is supposed to be an L3 Harris and Gville is a Motorola.
Yes, exactly. Brilliant isn't it ...

Clusterfluck really, Motorola went into Commissioners court and quoted the county a significant savings over a Harris system and they didn't even consider it. Harris/L3 has a big presence in Greenville at Majors Airport. Amazing what money does to people, commissioners and county Judges ... But hey, I guess the bottom line is Tax not the citizens ...

Welcome to Hunt County ...


Premium Subscriber
Sep 5, 2022
Its L3 is big at the airport...but if one gets bored google to see what "L3" stands for....Sometimes its not what you know,but who you know